Chapter 18. Get your fix

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I woke up the next morning next to Nikki in his bunk. I wrapped my arms around him and he stirred a little. Memories of last night came back and I laid there thinking about it all. How can I help Nikki with his addiction? Cause it's clear that it's only gonna get worse.

I was interrupted with my thoughts when Nikki suddenly shot his head up and looked around. He looked at me, smiled and kiss the top of my head. 'Hey princess.' He croaked in his morning voice. God damn that was hot. I was too angry to reply and just glared at him. 'What's wrong?' He asked, suddenly concerned. 'You don't remember last night?' I asked him. 'No...' he trailed off and looked at me, waiting for an explanation.

I signed and told him what happened. 'Shit. Baby I'm so sorry to have put you through that, it wasn't my intentions.' He said looking at me sympathetically. 'It's not just me you have to apologize to, it's you're band and Ashleigh. They didn't have their bass player and Ash had to fill in for you.' I explained.

'I fucked up big time.' He said, falling back on the pillow. 'Yup.' I replied, popping the p. 'Well as long as you know that I'm sorry and I love you.' He said, grabbing my hand and kissing it. 'I love you too.' I said with a small smile. Regardless of what happened, my feelings for him hadn't changed at all.

'I'm gonna go to the bathroom.' He told me, getting up and grabbing his shoes. I didn't think any thing of it until I heard Nikki lose his shit in the bathroom.

'What the fuck?!' He yelled, waking up Mick and Vince who's bunks were opposite the bathroom. 'What is it Sixx?' Vince groaned, looking up at me as I quickly realized what Nikki was pissed off about. He didn't reply to Vince, just came out of the bathroom and look straight at me. 'Where the fuck is it.' He growled. 'Oh you mean the smack you were hiding in you're shoe? I flushed it down the fucking toilet.' I hissed at him. 'What the fuck is wrong with you??!!' He screamed at me. Now everyone was up and watching the scene unfold. 'Are you fucking kidding me?? You get so strung out that you can't even play in you're fucking band, letting everyone down and you're screaming at me because you can't have a fucking fix???' I yelled at him. 'How many times do we have to go through this bullshit Sixx?? You're hurting people and you obviously couldn't give two fucks!' I added. 'Fuck off, don't ever touch my shit again.' He grunted before leaving the bus and taking off.

I was mortified, he can't be serious can he? Tears filled my eyes as everyone looked over at me and Alex came over to comfort me. 'I'm sorry H, this is what he's like if he doesn't get a fix now. It's got really bad.' Mick told me quietly. 'He told me he was gonna cut down and then quit after the tour.' I cried. 'Hailie I'm sorry but did you really believe that? Junkies make and break promises, they don't care' Tommy told me. I cried even harder as Alex held me. 'I'm too fucking deep now to just leave him, I've never loved somebody so much in my life but he clearly loves heroin more.' I cried.

After a while of everyone comforting me, we started getting ready to leave for Richfield. We couldn't go anywhere until Nikki came back, so Ash and I decided to get something to eat before heading off. We found a little cafe on the Main Street and asked for a private booth. We sat down and started looking at the menus. Ash could tell I was down about the whole Nikki situation. 'You know if he's not meaning to do this to you right?' Ash asked me. 'What do you mean?' I replied. 'It's the withdrawals, he has to have a hit to feel normal again.' She told me. 'Yeah well, he told me he was gonna stop when the tour finishes, that ain't gonna fucking happen.' I muttered. 'If he cares about you and all of his friends, he will.' She said with hope.

We ate our food and talked about songs and ideas for the band before heading back to the tour bus. I jumped on and saw Nikki sitting on the sofa while everyone watched me come in. 'You've calmed down now you've had you're fucking fix now Sixx?' I growled at him. He didn't say anything, just looked up at me sympathetically. I rolled my eyes and walked past him down to the bunk we shared. I took my shoes off and got in, pulling the doona over my head. I was so upset, I didn't want to move for days. I didn't know how to fix this or make it better. I just wanted to love him with all my heart but he wants to get high more then anything.  I spent the next 3 and a half hours like that, just wanting to be left alone while everyone mucked around.

We got to Richfield and I still had not moved. 'Hailie?' I heard Nikki's voice behind me. I didn't bother to reply. 'Hailie come on, we're here and we need to check into our room.' Nikki told me. 'I'm staying on the bus.' I answered bluntly. 'No you're not.' He replied adamantly. 'Sorry how can you think you're in any position to tell me what to do?' I shot up, glaring at him. 'You're staying with me and that's final. Now get up before I get Vicky.' He threaten. I glared at him, before getting up and storming out, not waiting for him. I grabbed my suitcase and walked into the lobby with the others. 'Hey man you alright?' Slash asked me as I reached the receptionist desk in the lobby. 'Yeah, just the same old shit.' I replied. 'If you want, we can go out after the show tonight.' He smiled at me. 'Count me in! I'll see you tonight.' I told him, grinning.

'Room for Nikki and Hailie?' I asked the girl behind the desk. 'Yes, here's you're room key.' She replied, not taking her eyes of Nikki and smiling at him. I looked to Nikki and back to her and realized what she was staring at before giving her a dirty look. 'Excuse me, keep you're fucking eyes to yourself if you know what's good for you.' I hissed at her. 'Alright Hailie that's enough, let's go.' Nikki said, grabbing my arm and pulling me away. 'Don't you fucking tell me it's enough, if some guy was eye fucking me you'd punch him out no questions asked.' I growled at him. 'Yeah true, it's cute when you get jealous.' He said laughing at me. I rolled my eyes and ignored him, walking up to the elevator. 

We got to our room and I dropped my bags and got into bed again, I just wanted to be left alone. 'Hailie, please talk to me.' Nikki pleaded. 'I don't want to, go get another fix.' I spat at him. 'I don't want to, I want you.' He said quietly. 'You said that you were gonna cut down and quit at the end of the tour.' I said, glaring at him. 'Believe me H I'm trying, it's really hard.' He said looking into my eyes and grabbing my hand. He started to kiss me and I let him, we were making out and about to rip each other's clothes off.

Right then, there was a knock on the door. Nikki and I frowned at each other and I went to go answer it. I opened the door and I couldn't believe who I was seeing. 'Hailie!' My brother Paddy cried, pulling me in for a hug. 'Oh my god Paddy?? What are you doing here?!' I replied, hugging him back and crying. 'I missed you too much and I decided to come see you!' Paddy exclaimed. 'Well... t..that's great!' I stammered. Paddy could not have come at a worst time.

How could I keep him away from all the shit that was happening on tour? My boyfriend being addicted to heroin was not good for Paddy to be around.

What am I going to do?

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