Chapter 75. That's Sixx for ya

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It's being 3 days since Alex's and Tommy's wedding and the Motley boys are already getting back on the road for the tour, or the plane to Tokyo.

Alex and I went with them to the airport to say goodbye. As I was walking through the airport hand in hand with Nikki getting harassed by paparazzi, I tried not to let a tear slip. I really didn't want him to go, even though it was only a week I was gonna miss him like hell.

'Hailie can you confirm reports that Nikki cheated on you?' One paparazzi shouted. 'Is it true his drug addiction is getting worse?' Shouted another. 'Get the fuck out of our faces!' Tommy yelled at them. I could see in Nikki's eyes that he was furious but he knew if he lashed out it wouldn't end well, so we just ignored them. Doc handled the situation by telling them he'll press charges if they said another word to us.

Nikki's grip got tighter on my hand as we walked away, out of view from everyone and into a private room where the jet was waiting for them. 'Thank god we got away from that.' Mick said as he shut the door behind us. I looked at Nikki who was standing there quietly, looking like he was gonna explode. 'Hey what's wrong?' I asked him. 'I just need some fresh air.' He said, walking outside.

'Don't worry he just needs a breather.' Vince said, giving me a squeeze on the shoulder. After about 15 minutes of waiting, the jet was ready to board. We all walked outside and I found Nikki standing by the door way. 'Wish you were coming with me.' He said sadly as I approached him. 'Stop you're gonna make me cry.' I whined with a chuckled.

Everyone started saying their goodbyes, I hugged Mick, Vince and Tommy goodbye before turning to Nikki. He pulled his arms out for a hug and I wrapped my arms around his torso as he hugged me tightly. 'I'll be back before you know it.' He whispered.

A tear fell from my eye as he drew back and kissed me hard before letting go and walking towards the plane. He stopped as he got up on the steps and turned to looked at me. 'Forever and ever babe.' He said with a smile before walking up the stairs and disappearing. 'Aw that was cute.' Alex said in my ear scaring the shit out of me. 'Shut up.' I laughed.

The whole ride back I couldn't stop thinking about what Nikki said. It made my heart melt and I was in awe just thinking about it. 'Hey are you even listening to me?!' I heard Alex say. 'What?' I asked, confused. 'Look I know you're loved up with Sixx but you gotta pay attention to me too!' She whinged. 'Sorry chick.' I laughed.


I woke up in my own bed the next morning with Alex snoring her head off next to me. I chuckled and decided to get up and go downstairs for a cup of coffee. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I could hear Paddy on the phone to someone. 'Oh fuck. Yeah I'll go get her, actually she's here now.' Paddy said into the phone as I showed my face in the room. 'It's Mick.' He said concerned as he handed me the phone.

Instantly I thought Nikki had overdosed. 'Hello?!' I asked into the phone. 'Hey H.' Mick said nervously. 'Is Nikki okay?!' I asked worried. 'Yeah, he's just got himself into trouble.' Mick replied. 'Oh no what has he done now?' I groaned. 'We were on the train and Tommy and Nikki were fucking around, Nikki threw a bottle of jack and it hit a random passager in the face.' Mick explained.

'Fuck sakes!' I yelled. 'There's more H.' Mick said before signing. I went quiet waiting for what else Mick had to say. 'When the train stopped there was about 20 police officers all armed waiting at the door to arrest Nikki. He put up a fight and it got nasty, and they also arrested Doc.' Mick signed once again as he finished explaining. 'Jesus fucking Christ.' I cried.

'So what now?' I asked Mick. 'They've both being locked up, but Doc knows his way around things so I'm sure he'll get them both out.' He told me. 'Okay well can you please ring me as soon as he gets out?' I asked. 'No problem kiddo.' Mick answered. 'Thanks for telling me, I appreciate it.' I told him. 'Later H.' He replied before hanging up.

I hung up the phone and leaned back into the couch signing as Paddy handed me a cup of coffee. 'It never ends does it.' Paddy said. 'What the fuck do I even do?' I asked out loud. 'All we can do is wait and see what happens.' Paddy answered.

After a while of sitting there waiting frantically for the phone to ring, Alex eventually made her way into the lounge room. After informing her of everything that was happening, she tried calling Tommy non stop to which she got no answer. 'There's always something fucking stupid that their doing, and then they've got to put the cherry on top and do something even more stupid!' She ranted in frustration.

After hours of waiting the phone finally rang at 4pm. 'Hello?' I asked, frantically. 'Hey H.' Nikki's exhausted voice came from the other end of the phone. 'Are you okay?' I asked, extremely worried. 'Yeah I've just had a big day.' He said bluntly. 'So what ended up happening?' I asked. 'I don't know, Doc got us out of it or some shit.' He grunted. 'Nikki why are you being like this? You should be grateful Doc got you out.' I lectured him. 'Fuck off, Doc only got me out cause I'm his money maker.' He spat.

'Nikki don't talk to me like that!' I yelled into the phone. 'Fuck off then.' He yelled back and the phone line went dead. 'What the fuck!' I yelled, smashing the phone against the receiver. 'Woah Hailie take a breather!' Paddy yelled. I took his advice and went out side to get some fresh air.

After calming down a little, I walked back inside to the lounge. Alex was on the phone to I'm guessing Tommy, and Paddy was watching the news. I instantly saw Nikki and Doc being arrested in Japan on TV. 'For god's sake, it's everywhere.' I groaned. Alex finally got off the phone and sat down next to me. 'So how's Tommy?' I asked.

'He's fine, but Sixx isn't.' She replied. 'What do you mean?' I asked. 'Tommy just said he's being a major dick again and gone back into one of his moods.' Alex explained. 'He was doing so well, why does this always happen!' I whined. 'That's Sixx for ya.' Paddy answered.

We decided to just chill out and watch movies to try and take our minds off it. After Alex and Paddy went to bed, I couldn't sleep and I tried to call Nikki again, no answer. I laid down on the couch knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep and tried to remember the good times with Nikki to get me through this rough patch.

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