Chapter 62. Have you seen Sixx?

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Doc work Nikki and I up early as shit, the clock read 6am. I groaned before realising we had a 3 hour flight to Vancouver today. 'Hailie you better go pack you're brother up.' Doc reminded me. I knew he was right, Paddy would not be packed.

I reached over and kissed Nikki on the cheek knowing Doc would organise him and made my way out to the car. The whole ride back to my place I couldn't stop thinking about the night before, I spent all night long in Nikki's arms completely sober and it's my favourite place to be on this earth. I kept smiling to myself as I pulled up to the driveway, no lights were on so I knew my twin was still sleeping.

'Wake up shit head!' I yelled, switching on the light to Paddy's room and jumping on him. I suddenly realise there was someone else in the bed with him, some chick with blonde hair glared at me. 'Fucking Hell Paddy!' I shrieked as I jumped off them, Paddy started laughing. 'You should try knocking next time H.' Paddy chuckled. 'Just get the fuck up and get her out of here.' I said bluntly, leaving them too it.

'Ugh!' I said to myself, shaking a bit before heading to the showers to try and distract myself from the sight I just saw. After a long hot shower, I grabbed my bags and put them near the front door noticing Paddy's bags were there too and made my way to the kitchen. Paddy stood at the fridge not saying anything, just smirking at me. 'Wipe that smirk off you're face before I wack it off for you.' I warned, pushing past him and grabbing some orange juice. 'Sorry H.' He laughed as there was a knock on the door.


We were all reunited once again in the van on the way to the airport, Poisons, Guns and Motley. I happily took a seat next to Alex, even though it had only being a day I hated being away from her. I quietly caught her up with what happened with Nikki while he sat down the back with Tommy drinking Jack Daniels. The energy around everybody put me in my usual partying mood and I found myself wanting to indulge myself in alcohol and other substances.

We got to the airport and quickly boarded the jet to avoid be squashed by the thousands of fans on the side wanting to see Motley. Alex and I took our usual seats with Slash and Izzy, while Nikki and I kept exchanging looks and smiling at each other. It felt nice to be in a good place with Nikki for once, although I knew it wouldn't stay like that.

The stewardess came around after we took off and handing everybody their poison. Vodka and coke for us, zombie dust for Tommy and Nikki, vodka for Mick, sleeping pills for Vinnie and anything else we all requested. Paddy had gone to take a nap in the bunks and Nikki was high on zombie dust so I knew I was in the clear to do as much snorting as I wanted to take my mind off flying.

After 3 hours we finally land in Vancouver, all of us fucking high and drunk. Izzy got up to wake Paddy and Nikki took that opportunity to sit next to me. 'How's my favourite cherry bomb?' He asked with a smirk. 'Fucking amazing!' I cheered. We got off the plane and he placed his arm around my neck as we walked towards the van waiting for us. I smiled, letting him do it. I could see Izzy giving us a look with a frown out of the corner of my eye but I ignored it.

We arrived at the hotel and of course Nikki made me room with him, not that I was mad about it at all. We thought we had some time so we started making out, getting to the point where our clothes were coming off until there was a knock on the door, interrupting us. 'We will finish this later.' Nikki smirked before kissing me again.

He walked out to the bathroom and I leaned up against the wall with a smile on my face still affected by his touch and the way his lips felt again mine. My thoughts were interrupted when that knock came again. 'Sixx stop fucking in there let's go!!' Tommy's voice boomed through the door. I quickly chucked on the remaining of my clothes and ran over to the door meeting Nikki there at the same time. We opened the door to an unimpressed Alex, Tommy and Mick. 'Leave the fucking until our job is done yeah?' Mick chuckled as we walked out to the car. Nikki and I exchanged smirks.

We got on with the show, after soundcheck and the set which was another kick ass show, we got up to our usual shenanigans. Even Paddy was doing blow with me which wasn't normal at all! I just had to make sure he stayed away from the heroin. We made our way to the club of choice as usual and caused even more chaos. Alex and I were busy squirting Izzy and Slash with the soft drink tap behind the bar while the staff were screaming at us. Before they could kick us out we ran off to the upstairs bathroom to do more blow.

'Oi open up!!' Somebody yelled on the door, Alex and I started laughing hysterically as I opened the door thinking we were in trouble. Instead stood Izzy and Slash soaked in soft drink and also laughing. 'Don't do all the blow yourself, let us have some!' Slash exclaimed as they squeezed in the bathroom.

After a while there was another knock on the door, I opened it to see Mick. 'Hey H, have you seen Sixx? He disappeared after the show.' He stated. 'Actually I haven't.' I replied, frowning. 'Alright thanks.' He said walking away. 'Wait, I'll help you look.' I called out, following him and leaving the kids to their shenanigans.

We searched the entire club and there was no sign of Nikki. 'Let's try the hotel.' Mick said, trying not to sound concerned. 'Yeah alright.' I replied, starting to worry. On the car ride there, I had a lot running through my mind. I was just hoping that it wasn't the worst case scenario, even though it was possible.

We arrived and I practically ran to our hotel room, Mick also hurrying with me and I quickly unlocked the door. The scene in front of me I definitely was not prepared for. Nikki was on the floor against the couch, pass out with a needle hanging out of his arm and the spoon and lighter on the floor. 'Oh my god!' I shrieked running over to him. 'Nikki, wake up please come on!' I panicked, trying to shake him awake but it was no use.

'Stand back Hailie, this normally does the trick.' Mick said as he held a glass of water. He threw in in Nikki's face and his eyes flew open. 'Nikki, are you okay??' I asked frantically. He just looked at me, unresponsive. Like he had no idea who I was. I started bawling my eyes out and turned to Mick on what to do next. 'I'm gonna have to call Doc.' Mick said slowly. We both didn't want to, but we knew it was the right thing to do.

I held on tight to Nikki, making sure he was staying awake as we waited for Doc to arrive. 10 minutes passed and Doc was standing in the doorway. 'Jesus Christ.' He said to himself. 'Thanks guys, he's lucky to have you.' Doc told us as he lifted Nikki up and walked him out towards his own room.

I sat down on the floor in Nikki's spot next to the spoon and needle that was in his arm and started crying. 'Hey it's okay.' Mick said, sitting down and comforting me. 'When will this end?' I cried into his shoulder. He didn't answer, just rubbed my shoulder and signed.

He didn't have an answer for that because he didn't know.

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