Chapter 24. Falling Fast

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I woke up to impatient banging on the door to my hotel room. 'Hailie! Sixx! We leave in 15 minutes come on let's go!' Alex screamed through the door. I groaned as I sat up and looked over at Nikki who hadn't even stirred through all the yelling. 'Don't make me kick this fucking door down H!' Alex yelled once again. 'Alright alright! I'm coming!' I yelled back and got out of bed to open the door. 

We all just had the last two days off and spent it exploring New York. I had never being and it was absolutely amazing, the first day the whole lot of us went on a pub/club crawl around New York city. Even Axl came which shocked me, he seemed very sorry he ever touched Ash but I still would never forgive him. Ash brought along Rachel, the guy from Skid Row who she meet a couple of cities back and Axl left after seeing them get cozy. I had the most fun I ever had with Nikki, we drank and dance like there was no tomorrow and went on our own drunken adventure to get food and muck around before finding our hotel. Slash, Paddy and I also decided to go ice skating while drunk with everybody watching, which ended badly as you can guess. 

Yesterday we nursed a major hangover, but Nikki and I still headed out to sight see. We walked through Times Square, brought a famous New York bagel and did some shopping. We walked over the Brooklyn bridge hand in hand which over looked the statue of Liberty and the Empire State building, the view was absolutely breathtaking. We had some paparazzi following us and flashing their cameras but Nikki didn't care, he even grabbed me and kissed me for one. 

I opened the door to an annoyed looking Alex. 'I swear to god I was gonna leave you two here. Now hurry up and get ready.' She demanded. 'Yes mum.' I giggled as I went to wake Nikki up. 'It's normally the other way around, I'm not supposed to be the mum!' She called behind me. As I walked up to the bed to wake Nikki, I caught a glimpse of my hand and saw a beautiful sliver ring on my left finger. I studied it with a confused look on my face before realizing what had happened yesterday...

(The day before: Central Park)

We walked through the park and I was amazed at how beautiful this place was. 'Hailie, come here I wanna show you something.' Nikki said, grabbing my hand and leading me to a park bench. 'What is it Sixx?' I asked curiously. Nikki pulled out a little box and held it up in his hand, I looked up at him with a surprise. 'Don't worry it's not what you think it is.' He chuckled, as he opened the tiny box displaying a gorgeous shiny sliver ring. 

'This is a promise ring, it's my promise to you that through thick and thin we will always be together, and one day I will marry you and get the ring you deserve.' He explained. 'Nikki holy shit...' I cried, tears filling my eyes. 'I just want you to know how much you mean to me.' He said looking straight at me. He put the ring on my finger and I wrapped my arms around him, I was so incredibly happy. 'I love you so much.' I whispered in his ear. 'I love you too H, I always will.' He replied, hugging me back and kissing me on the cheek. 

(Present day)

I smiled at my hand like a goof and jumped on Nikki. 'Baby wake up! Time to go.' I said, kissing him all over his face. 'Mmmm Hailie just 5 more minutes please.' He groaned. 'Nope now! Don't make me smash you over the head with a pillow.' I replied, grinning. 'Fine! Fine, I'm up!' Nikki answered, getting up and looking at me, I had a stupid grin on my face. He started laughing, 'You enjoy waking me up don't you.' He chuckled. 'Yup!' I said, walking out of the room.

I grabbed my bags and walked out into the lounge room to see Paddy and Slash sitting there with Alex. 'Finally man come on! Everyone's waiting on you.' Slash groaned. 'Two minutes!' I yelled, running into the bathroom to change. Every one groaned, 'That's just Hailie.' Paddy signed. I got changed into black jeans, an Aerosmith hoodie and my black and white cons, popping on some lip balm and mascara before meeting everyone back in the lounge room where Nikki had joined them too. 

'Let's go finally!!!" Alex groaned as she grabbed her bags and ran out the door, Paddy joining her. Slash, Nikki and I trailed behind them down to the tour bus. We were travelling to Philadelphia today, a 6 and a half hour drive. I was planning on preoccupying myself with some much needed sleep, we meet everyone on the tour bus and after getting lectures from everyone about keeping them waiting, I decided to work on my lyrics instead of going to sleep. 

We were on the road finally. 'Mick can you pass me the acoustic?' I asked him. 'Sure thing H.' He answered as he handing the guitar over to me. I had being working on some lyrics about my relationship with Nikki and I wanted to see how the song would come together with the cords. I started strumming and then singing softly:

I woke up and saw the sun today, you came by without a warning

You put a smile on my face, I want that for every morning

What is it I'm feeling? Cause I can't let it go

If seeing is believing, then I already know

I'm falling fast, I hope this last, I'm falling hard for you

I say let's take a chance, take it while we can, I know you feel it too

I'm falling fast

It doesn't matter what we do, you make everything seem brighter

I never knew I needed you, like a sad song needs a sea of lighters

I finished the song and was trying to think of more lyrics to add to it. 'Wow Hailie, have you got anymore?' Vince asked. 'What like more songs?' I asked. 'Yeah!' He said excitedly. 'Yeah I do, I'll play another one for you.' I replied, going through my lyrics book. 'Okay this one is more intense, it's called Smile.' I grinned as everyone told me to play it.

You know that I'm a crazy bitch, I do what I want when I feel like it

All I wanna do is lose control, uh oh

But you don't really give a shit, you go with it, go with it, go with it

Cause you're fucking crazy, rock n' roll

You said hey, what's you're name

It took one look and now I'm not the same

Yeah you said hey, and since that day

You stole my heart and you're the one to blame 

And that's why I smile, it's being a while

Since every day and everything had felt this right

And now, you turn it all around

And suddenly you're all I need the reason, why

I, I, I, I smile, oh, oh, oh

Last night I blacked out I think, what did you, what did you put in my drink

I remember making out and then oh, oh

I woke up with a new tattoo, you're name was on me and my name was on you

I'd do it all over again 

I finished and everyone was silent. I looked around the room, 'What?' I asked. 'That was fucking wicked!' Tommy yelled. 'Yep that's my twin sister!' Paddy said proudly, hi fiving Vince.  'Yeah H why haven't you share that one with me yet?' Alex asked. 'I'm not sure, I've got a load of stuff in here that I'm working on bit by bit, you can look at it all.' I told her, handing her the book. 'That's some great stuff babe, I loved it all.' Nikki said smiling at me. 'Oh of course you did Sixx you big love bear.' Vince teased. Nikki rolled his eyes and looked back at me, 'Seriously though, it's great.' He added. 'Thank you.' I replied, kissing him on the cheek.

'Hailie we can write our entire fucking next album with this book.' Alex exclaimed as she finished reading it. 'Yeah but I want everyone to like the songs, not just the ones I like.' I answered. 'We'll go through it as a band soon.' Alex told me. After a while of small talk, Nikki and I decided to take a nap in the bunks, we had two shows coming up we needed all the rest we could get. The bunks were a tight fit so I snuggle right up to Nikki, he wrapped his arm around me. 'Sweet dreams gorgeous.' He said. 

'Sleep tight.' I replied before I drifted away into sleep. These last few days have being amazing and I can't wait for more with Nikki and the gang. 

(All songs are by Avril Lavigne, I don't own them in anyway xx)

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