Chapter 33. Put a ring on it

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A week has past since Nikki's episode on the tour bus and we're in Virginia for the show. I realized that Nikki's addiction is getting worse but I can't do anything except be supportive. I think about leaving him but I always go back to our first kiss and how he made me feel, then I realize I can never come back from that because it is always going to be Nikki, no matter what. I'm literally his ride or die.

This week has being another fun chaotic amazing week, I've being hanging out with Paddy and Slash a lot since Nikki has being locking himself in the bathroom and passing out most nights, and we've got up to tons of fun crazy shit. The one night Nikki decided to come out with us, he overdid it as usual and I ended up taking him back to the hotel room early. He's being distant lately and I don't know what to do so I've being getting blackout drunk every night so I don't have to think about it.

 I was outside by the pool area having a cigarette thinking everything over again and again when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. 'You all good dude?' Tommy asked, sitting down beside me and getting out a cigarette before lighting it up with my lighter. 'Yeah my mind's just all over the place at the moment.' I replied flatly. 'Let me guess, Sixx?' Tommy assumed. 'You know it.' I said, signing. 'Don't worry H, he'll come around. We're all well aware that he's deep into his addiction right now but he always drops in and out of it. Doc is trying to get him some help as we speak so he can at least finish the tour.' Tommy explained. 'I know it's just so hard, I don't know what to do and at the same time there isn't anything I can do because he's gotta want to help himself.' I told him. 'Exactly dude, just hang in there everything will be fine.' Tommy reassured me. 

'Now do you wanna hear some good news?' Tommy added, looking at me with a smirk. 'Oh god yes please!' I chuckled. 'Well actually, I thought I'd better ask you instead of tell you.' He said, suddenly getting nervous. 'Ask me what Tommy?!' I asked curious. 'Since her parents aren't here, and you're her cousin/best friend. Is it okay if I ask Alex to marry me?' Tommy asked me, with a small grin on his face. 'You're fucking joking right?!' I asked excitedly. 

Tommy pulled out the ring from his pocket and shook his head in response to my question. 'OH MY GOD YES!' I screamed as he quickly tucked the ring away safely before I tackled him to the ground and squeezed him as hard as I could. 'I'm so fucking excited, I'm going to be a maid of honor! Yesssss!' I squealed. 'I'm glad you approve H!' Tommy said laughing at me. 'Approve? More like you better put a ring on that as soon as you can! When are you gonna ask her?' I asked him. 'Tonight after our show, can you make sure everyone is backstage after Motley finish?' Tommy asked. 'Of course! By the way, thank you for asking me Tommy, I appreciate it.' I told him. 'No problem, now I gotta find Sixx and tell him.' Tommy said, giving me another hug before disappearing into the building. 

I couldn't believe it, I was so incredibly happy for Alex. She deserved so much happiness, tonight was going to be so much fun. I decided I better find Paddy and tell him the good news, I ran up to his room hoping to catch him by himself. The door was opened so I just walked in and didn't bother knocking, Paddy sat on the couch watching MTV. 'Hey H.' He called out as he saw me. 'Hey, is anybody else here?' I asked him. 'Nah, Guns had a meeting with Vicky. Why's that?' Paddy asked curiously.

'Tommy just asked me if he could marry Alex. He's gonna propose to her tonight!' I squealed excitedly. 'Fuck really?? That's awesome!!' Paddy exclaimed. 'We're in charge of making sure everyone is backstage after Motley finish their set okay? We're the only ones that know besides from Nikki.' I told him. 'Aye aye captain.' Paddy replied, chuckling. 'Shit I'm late for soundcheck, come on you're coming with me.' I said, throwing Paddy his jacket and hurrying him out the door.

Paddy and I left the hotel and walked towards the van where the girls stood waiting for me. 'Just play it cool alright, we don't know nothing.' I whispered in his ear as we approached the girls. 'Fucking finally, Hailie you always taking forever man.' Alex complained. 'What's going on Paddy?' She added turning to him. 'Uhhh... nothing. You?' Paddy answered nervously. 'You alright?' Alex asked curiously. 'Yeah yeah I'm fine, what's with all the questions?' Paddy replied. 'Yikes alright, off we go.' Alex said, getting into the van while Ash and Imogen followed, giggling at Paddy. 'Man what the hell was that?' I half whispered and yelled, nudging Paddy in the ribs. 'What?!' He hissed and I rolled my eyes and jumped in the van. 

A few hours had gone by and we had finished our soundcheck and was waiting for the show to start with Guns backstage. Nikki and the rest of Motley hadn't showed up yet and I was on edge, I hadn't seen Nikki all day and I was worried something was wrong. 'You all good?' Ash whispered in my ear. 'Yeah just nervous like I always am before every show.' I lied. I didn't feel like talking about Nikki. Finally I saw a mop of poofed up hair walk through the door which turned out to be Tommy, I gave him the thumbs up which he returned. Nikki walked in behind him, we made eye contact and he walked straight over to me. 'Hey princess.' He said casually, sitting down next to me and kissing me on the cheek.

'Are we all good?' I asked him seriously. 'Yeah why wouldn't we be?' Nikki asked back. 'You just seem distant lately.' I replied sadly. 'I know I'm sorry, but it's not because of you at all. Look I spoke to Tommy and I want you to know, I'm dealing with my issues the best I can so please don't take anything I do personally.' Nikki explained into my ear. 'Well that's kinda hard seeing as I'm sensitive as hell but also have a don't fuck with me ego. I know if something's off, even if it's something little.' I told him. Nikki signed before putting his arms around me. 'Just remember that I love you more then anything. Please remember that.' He pleaded. 'Okay Sixx, I will.' I said, smirking. 'Good.' He replied, smiling. 

'So I'm guessing Tommy told you?' I asked Nikki, grinning from ear to ear. 'Yep, I'm pretty fucking stoked for them both.' Nikki replied. 'It's gonna be a big one tonight babe.' I said. 'You know it.' Nikki answered with a grin. Finally it was show time, we went out and did our set, killing it like we do every time. 

Finally Motley Crue went on, I would have like to watch Nikki kill it on his bass but I had to keep tabs on people and make sure everyone stayed backstage. Izzy keep disappearing with Axl and Ash and Vince kept going to do blow in the bathroom, I felt like a mum with 10 kids that I had to keep an eye on. As soon as everyone was back in the room I ended up locking the door and getting Paddy to guard it. 

I could hear Motley's set ending and I was getting so fucking excited. I looked at Alex, sitting there laughing with Duff oblivious to the fact that she was about to get proposed to by a guy that loves her more then anything and I couldn't be happier for her. I heard Vince say good bye to the crowd and Mick, Nikki and Vince finally come running in followed by Tommy. 'You ready baby?' Nikki whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. 'Oh fuck yeah.' I whispered back, smiling. 

I didn't even care that Nikki was drenched head to toe in sweat, nothing could ruin the moment that was about to happen. 

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