Chapter 51. Don't fuck with me

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I woke up the next morning running on an hour's sleep. I couldn't get Nikki and that chick he was fucking out of my head. Paddy heard me sobbing and came in to comfort me but ended up passing out so his snoring didn't help either.

I woke him and gathered our things for our flight back to L.A. We had today off, a show in San Diego tomorrow night then another 2 days off which is when the girls and I had to shoot our music video. Tonight Motley Crue had their Album debut party for the Girls, Girls, Girls album and I was not keen on going at all. 'H you have to go, it's in our fucking contract that we gotta support them.' Alex groaned at me. 'Alex I'm so fucking mad at Nikki that I don't know what I'm capable of doing.' I told her.

'Just act like you don't care.' Paddy cut in. 'What do you mean?' I asked him. 'Trust me, if you want to get to him, act like you don't care.' Paddy assured me. I looked at Alex as she shrugged. 'It's worth a try.' She said. 'Trust me, I've had my fair share of being a heart breaker and that's the one thing I can't stand.' Paddy chuckled. 'Ew you man whore.' Alex laughed. 'Yeah I fucked like 90% of all you're friends in school.' Paddy laughed which made me and Alex's eyes go wide. 'You fucking what?!!' I yelled at him. 'You are fucked in the head!' Alex yelled after me. 'But I'm family so you love me.' Paddy chuckled, ruffling Alex's hair.

Tommy finally showed up after packing his things and we dragged our suitcases down to the tour buses that were taking us to the airport. As usual we were the last ones there, I spotted Nikki against the wall with his usual cigarette. He caught my eye and just looked at me but didn't say anything. 'Remember, you don't care.' Paddy whispered in my ear. I looked away with a smile and laughed at a joke Slash made. 'That worked.' Paddy chuckled. I didn't bother to look back as we all boarded onto the bus.

I sat down between Izzy and Slash while Alex and Paddy sat opposite us. 'Man it's too early for this shit.' Izzy groaned. 'Tell me about it.' I mumbled as I took a swig of the vodka bottle that was in between his legs while Nikki walked past giving us daggers. 'I can't believe what that idiot did last night.' Izzy said. 'I don't care, whatever.' I shrugged, causing Slash and Izzy to look over at Paddy who mouthed 'just go with it.'

That was the longest and most uncomfortable two hour flight I've ever had. There was no coke on board and Izzy drank all the vodka so I had to deal with Nikki staring at me the whole time. I was definitely going to get revenge but for the mean time, it was fun pretending not to care. Finally we landed in Los Angeles and I couldn't have gotten off that plane faster. I grabbed my suitcase and started strutting off with Paddy when Nikki called out my name.

'Hailie wait up!' He yelled as he ran over to me. 'Can we talk?' He asked. 'There's nothing to talk about.' I said with a smile. 'Hailie come on.' Nikki started. 'No Nikki, I don't have time for it and quite frankly, I don't care.' I said with a chuckle before walking off leaving him standing there looking on.

The bands all said goodbye before going their seperate ways. Even though we were seeing them tonight, it was weird to be apart from them. I got home and was relieved to lie in my own bed. Paddy and I had a nap before getting ready for this stupid party tonight at the Rainbow. I was in the shower when Alex suddenly walked in. 'Guns are coming over for pre drinks so hurry up!' She hurried me. 'Just like old times!' I chuckled, turning the tap off and stepping out. I decided on wearing an iron maiden shirt with a leather skirt and leather jacket with my platform boots. I heard the Guns guys walk in so I quickly finished off my makeup before grabbing a bottle of vodka off my night stand.

'Well hello!' Slash yelled as Izzy wolf whistled. 'You look fucking hot Hailie.' Ash cheered from across the room. 'Thank you.' I replied, taking a bow before sitting my self down next to Alex. 'It's so good to be back in L.A!' Steven exclaimed. 'And you know what that means?' Izzy added before dumping a bunch of drugs out on the table. 'A fresh supply!' He winked at us. 'Fuck Yes.' Alex and I both said before dabbling in coke and speed. Paddy looked at me and I rolled my eyes before offering him some. 'Come on, you'll be okay with just a line.' I smiled at him. He smiled back and gladly did it.

Time flew by and it was 10.30pm. 'Fuck we better get going, we're already late!' Axl called out. 'Eager to find yourself some girls?' I chuckled as we walked out the door. 'Something like that.' Axl smiled. We got to the rainbow and suddenly I felt a pit in my stomach, I was nervous to see Nikki. 'Izzy I'm gonna need some more meds.' I told him as we walked in. 'You've got it.' He replied. There was so many fucking people at this party, it was absolutely packed. 'Hailie?!' Someone called and I turned around to see Anthony Kiedis from the Red hot Chilli Peppers. 'How man how you doing?!' I exclaimed as I gave him a hug. 'Real Good, it's awesome to see you guys killing it on tour!' He told Alex and I. 'It's being bloody amazing!' Alex told him. 'Well come find me later for a drink okay?' He replied before disappearing.

'Okay I gotta find Tommy.' Alex said before pulling me over to the booth where Motley sat. 'Vinnie!' Ash yelled as she jumped on his lap. Alex sat down next to Tommy and I stood there awkwardly. 'You wanna get a drink?' Nikki suddenly asked me, snapping me out of the zone. 'Nah I'm good.' I replied. His face dropped as Izzy pulled my hand, leading me out of sight to do more coke. We snorted the entire bag he had on him and made our way back out there. 'Well Well Well what do we have here?' A voice came before me as the coke hit me all at once. I turned around to see Sebastian Bach standing there looking me up and down. 'Long time no see!' I cheered as I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

'You and Nikki still a thing?' He asked me as I looked over to where Nikki sat, glaring at us. 'Nope, he's just a sour puss.' I replied, rolling my eyes. 'Good, sit down so we can catch up.' He said with a smirk. 'Gladly.' I replied as he put his arm around me, turning our backs to Nikki.

We talked for a while and even though he was cute, it was clear that we would just make really good friends. I decided I was gonna get another drink and made my way to the bar. 'How's Bach going?' Izzy asked coming up behind me as I grabbed my drink. 'Relax, we're just friends.' I chuckled. 'Well Sixx obviously didn't think so.' Izzy told me as he pointed over to him. I looked over and stopped dead in my tracks as I saw another girl on him. I was drunk and high as fuck trying to see who it was and then my heart sank. It was Vanity, sitting on his lap making out with him. I just stood there, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Suddenly Nikki caught my eye and gave me the biggest smirk as if to say fuck you. 'That's it.' I said to myself. I smiled back before turning around and grabbing Izzy, pulling him in for a French kiss. I pushed him up against the bar and made out with him passionately. I won't lie, he was a good kisser. 'Woah.' Izzy smirked as I pulled away. 'Let's go.' I told him, leading him out of there with a smirk on my face and leaving Nikki with the biggest scowl on his face.

Don't fuck with me, ever.

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