Chapter 10. Best friend

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After the show I stuck around for a little bit of Guns set but started to feel down. I should have felt so happy but I got all my anger out on stage and now I just felt sad about the whole Nikki situation.

I'm gonna go back to the hotel Alex, I'm not feeling well.' I lied, I just wanted to have a night in and be alone. 'Okay babe I'll see ya tomorrow.' She smiled hugging me. 'Awesome show, we killed it again!' She added. I grinned and left back stage towards the car Vicky had organised for me, Nikki watching my every move as always. I signed as I got in the car and watch the rain hit the windows while we drove back to the hotel. Why me? I got to my room and saw Nikki's stuff everywhere, shit I completely forgot he was staying in the same room as me! I started to panic but then realized that he'll probably be out all night and find a girl else where so I stopped worrying. I took off all my clothes and make up and got into a hot steamy shower. I let the hot water pour on me as I tried to come to terms with what happened today. Was I not good enough? Because of course, Nikki wasn't taking this seriously. I can't believe he let me fall for him thinking he was. I growled in frustration, he makes me want to pull my hair out!

After a 45 minute shower, I slipped on a baggy t-shirt and got into bed pulling the covers over my head. I just wanted to stay like this forever. After I found Nikki with that girl, everything that guys have ever done to me came flooding back in memories. I always put my heart on the line and get screwed over every time. Will I ever learn? I just want someone to love me as much as I love them is it too much to ask? Obviously for Nikki fucking Sixx it is. What was I thinking? Of course he was gonna break my heart sooner or later. I started crying and didn't stop for what felt like hours.

I heard the door to the hotel room opened and I listened quietly. I thought it was one of the girls or Vicky coming to check up on me, instead I heard his raspy voice. 'Hailie?' Nikki asked quietly, sitting down on the bed next to me. I didn't move, I stayed right under the covers not daring to pull my head up out of the doona. I knew that as soon as I did, I'd see those green eyes and that beautiful face and fall straight back into his arms again. 'Hailie please look at me, I know you can hear me.' Nikki pleaded. I still didn't move, I didn't even have the energy too. Before I realized what was happening, Nikki pulled the doona back off my head. I sat up, tears running down my face, still refusing to look up at him. 'Oh baby I'm so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you.' He whispered, reaching his hand out and cupping my face. 'Don't act like you fucking care.' I snapped, moving away from him. 'I do care, I really do.' He replied, trying to grab my hand. I snatched it away, 'if you really cared Nikki you wouldn't have done that.' I answered bluntly. 'She was nothing, Vince set me up and I was too fucked up to say no!' He tried to explain. 'I don't wanna hear you're pathetic excuses Nikki! I'm so stupid to even think that Nikki Sixx would ever fall for me, I should have known better. So this is my fault.' I said quietly, now looking at him.

Guilt was written all over his face and he was speechless. 'What are you even doing back here Nikki?' I asked him. 'I just wanted to see you, I don't want to do anything else.' He responded looking straight at me. I was silent for a moment and then let out everything I had in me. 'No Nikki this isn't fair, you don't get to do shit like that and then come crawling back because you know I will unravel.' I told him. 'I've being hurt so many times and I'm not letting it happen again, I'm ending this right here, right now.' I said firmly. 'Hailie no pleas-' Nikki pleaded. 'No Nikki, I'm not getting deeper into this for you to completely break my heart.' I cut him off. I wanted more then anything to be with him, but I knew this was for the best. He would never commit properly and I don't have time to be hurt all over again. 'Are you absolutely sure? You're the only girl I've felt this way around.' He told me with his eyes piercing mine. 'Nikki, you know that you'll just hurt me.' I whispered. He was silent for a while, all you could hear was the rain outside. 'Okay I just have one request.' He simply said finally. 'Yes?' I asked. 'You stay with me in every hotel we check into for the rest of the tour.' He stayed. I signed. I didn't want too but I knew he wouldn't let up on it. 'Fine, if it means we can just be friends and nothing else.' I told him. 'I just want to make sure you're safe H, let me do that for you.' Nikki smiled at me.

The rain was falling even harder now outside, and I just looked at him. I couldn't believe how strong I was being right now but I was adamant that this was the right thing for us. But deep down in my heart I always knew I'd always be there for him no matter what and even deeper down, just by looking at him, I knew that I'd always have a soft spot for him. 'I'm going back to bed.' I finally said after us just sitting and looking at one another. 'Can I please stay with you?' Nikki asked. 'You sure you don't wanna go out and find some girls?' I asked bitterly. I couldn't help it, it just came out. 'No not at all, I just wanna be here with you. You seem to be the only person who lets me be myself and doesn't push me to change, I like that.' He told me honestly. 'I can see you being my best friend, someone that I go to for everything, I don't have anyone. No family, girlfriend or even friends.' He added. I didn't say anything for a while, just took it in. 'I'll do that for you Sixx.' I replied.

He may have hurt me, but I knew he was fighting his own demons and I wanted him to feel like he could talk to someone. I'd do it for anyone. 'Thank you H, you're special to me.' He said, kissing my forehead. 'I'll be back soon.' He smiled before going into the bathroom. I suddenly realize he was probably going to shoot up but I didn't have any energy to stop him, I just wanted to be alone and sleep. I couldn't even think about what had just happened, I really did just end it all with Nikki but somehow compromised to be his best friend. How the hell did that happen?

This will be interesting. 

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