Chapter 38. Splitsville

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We just finished our show in Evansville, Indiana. Next stop Indianapolis! It's being three days since I caught Nikki with that girl in the bathroom and if you couldn't already tell, I broke up with Nikki. I felt so hurt and betrayed, all I've being doing these past couple days are crying and sleeping with the help of Valium behind everyone's backs. Not that they all weren't doing drugs.

I grabbed all my shit from the hotel room Nikki and I shared and got my own room on the next stop. Izzy and Slash had being crashing the last few night, on the couch. They wanted to make sure I was okay or something. I refrain from seeing Nikki at all unless I had to which was at the venue's where we had to do our shows. Every time we saw each other he'd look at me with that stupid guilty look on his face and I wouldn't give him the time of day. I was too fucking mad to even look at him, the crazy thing about all of this, is that I still fucking love him.

He gave me his sob story in the hotel room when I was moving out about how drug fucked out of his mind he was and how he had no idea what he was doing. Whatever, I'm not gonna be looking stupid no more. I finished my show which wasn't my best I'll admit due to my mood and walked backstage with the girls. Motley were there and Nikki just stared at me, I walked straight past him and grabbed a drink, sitting down next to Paddy. 'How things going?' Paddy asked me. 'What do you reckon?' I replied, bluntly. 'Geez okay grumpy I won't bother you.' Paddy replied.

'Sorry, I'm not in the best mood.' I answered with a sign. 'H you should come out with us tonight.' Alex said from behind me. 'Nah I really don't wanna see Sixx making out with chicks left right and Center.' I chuckled sadly. 'Don't think he'll be coming H.' Alex replied. 'Pfft as if he hasn't taken advantage of this breakup these past few nights and gone out fucking every chick he can get.' I spat. 'Actually H, Sixx hasn't being coming out with us, he goes back to his hotel room just like you do.' Paddy told me. 'Yeah, he's really looking like hell at the moment.' Alex said.

'I don't feel sorry for him, he decided to cheat, that's on him.' I groaned. 'Yeah I know H, just sad that he ruined a good thing.' Alex replied. 'Yeah it is, but at least I can focus on you're wedding now!' I said cheerfully. 'Which Nikki will be best man at which means you'll be paired with him cause you're maid of honour.' Paddy laughed. 'Fuck.' I muttered. 'It's okay! I'll just deal with it, it's your special day.' I said smiling while Alex gave me a look. Thanks Hailie, appreciate it.' She replied with a smile.

'Alright I'm gonna go back to the room.' I told them. 'Come one Hailie please come out with us!' Paddy begged. 'Sorry guys I'm out, maybe tomorrow night.' I replied flashing them a smile before heading out the door. I wanted to get back to the hotel, be safe and sound in my room before Nikki finished his show. I got back, took some Valium and let thoughts of Nikki over take my mind until I passed out.

*Next Day*

After the long three hour drive to Indianapolis on the Guns bus, we grab our bags and made our way to yet another hotel. 'Since you guys keep crashing with me, why don't we just get a room together?' I asked Slash and Izzy. 'Yeah that's sweet with us.' Izzy smiled. 'Uh Oh grump alert.' Slash said quietly enough for Izzy and I to hear. We look over and see Nikki standing against the wall with his bags having a cigarette and glaring at us, well mostly Izzy. 'Do you think he over heard us?' I whispered to the guys. 'Uhhh Yeah.' Izzy laughed.

We settled into our rooms, Izzy had a room to himself and Slash and I were sharing a bed. Paddy invited himself and was crashing on the couch. I was starting to feel better, I realised that I still had everyone with or without Nikki. I was just glad to be with my family. 'Alright you guys I've got soundcheck, Paddy you coming?' I asked. 'Nah I'll come with the guys.' He replied. 'Suit yourself.' I said as I went into my room, quickly chucked on a tshirt with black jeans and docs before heading out to meet the girl's down stairs.

I jumped in the van as it was about to leave and was greeted by three annoyed faces. 'Dude we almost left without you.' Alex complained. 'Wow it's nice to see Tommy's vocabulary is setting in nicely.' I chuckled. 'Hey isn't that Sixx's tshirt?' Imogen asked me. I looked down and sure enough, Nikki's stupid kiss tshirt was on me. 'Fuck my actual life!' I groaned while the girls laughed at me. 'Who cares H, it looks better on you.' Alex chuckled.

*hours later.*

We finished another show once again, I cut up Nikki's shirt into a crop with my leather shorts, fishnet stockings and my docs, he gave me a look when he saw it but he didn't say anything. I knew I looked good. 'So you gonna come out tonight?' Alex asked with suspense. 'You know what? Fuck it I will!' I replied. I got a few cheers around me and a scowl from Nikki. I chucked him a devilish smirk before walking off to get a drink or two.

Two hours past by, Guns, us poisons girls and Paddy all sitting around waiting for Vince and Tommy to finish their show and come out with us because I doubt Nikki and Mick will come. The alcohol is surging through my veins, the small amount of cocaine I did with Tommy and Izzy in the bathroom has me buzzing and I feel great. Finally Tommy and Vince appear and we all head out for the van. I jump in and sit next to Izzy, leaving a spare seat next to me. I was laughing and having a great time when all of a sudden the van doors opened and there stood Nikki and Mick. 'Got room for two more?' Nikki asked as Mick slid his way down the back. 'Yes boys let's party!' Tommy yelled out. Nikki looked at me and smirked before taking a seat next to me and putting his arm around my neck. I pushed him off and gave him a dirty look before squishing up to Izzy who didn't want to be apart of it.

What the actual fuck is happening?

(Two chapters in one day? I just keep writing and writing!)

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