Chapter 36. Where's Nikki?

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A couple of days had gone by and we're in Madison, Wisconsin. These last few days I hadn't being myself, that phone call with my mother really affected me. I would show up for the show and then go back to my hotel room to sleep, I had no energy to do anything else. I knew everyone was getting increasingly worried, Paddy Alex and Nikki were all trying to get me to go out with them but I really wasn't in the mood.

Last night Nikki didn't even come back to the hotel room, I woke up alone. I frowned but just shook it off. I'm sure he's passed out in Tommy's room, or Slash's. I got up to make a coffee and phoned Alex to ask her if Nikki was there. 'Nah babe, he ain't here. How you holding up?' She asked 'I feel a little better today.' I replied. 'You know, you've worked so hard for everything, you should be getting out there with an attitude to show them how better off you are without them.' Alex told me. 'Yeah you're right, I'm so sick of moping around, I don't need them I only need you guys.' I told her honestly. 'That's the way H, all of us will always be here for you 100%.' Alex said cheerfully. 'Love you.' I replied before hanging up.

I rang Paddy since he was rooming with Slash to see if Nikki was in there. 'Ah no he isn't here but you should probably go talk to Vince.' Paddy told me nervously. 'Talk to Vince? What the fuck are you on about, just tell me Paddy!' I demanded, getting worried. 'Hailie, just go talk to Vince okay! I'll see you later.' He replied before hanging up. By now I was panicking, I got changed and ran out the door down to Vince's room and knocked impatiently. 'Woah man calm the fuck dow-' Vince started but stop dead in his tracks as he opened the door and saw me. 'Hailie uhh-' 'Tell me what the fuck is going on now Vincent.' I cut him off, bluntly. He signed before grabbing my arm and pulling me inside. I sat down on the couch and impatiently shook my leg up and down waiting for an explanation.

'So don't freak out, but Sixx is sitting in a cell right now.' Vince said quietly. 'What?! Are you fucking kidding me?? What happened?' I asked panicking. 'He got into a fight with some guy who sold him fake heroin, plus the guy was mouthing off about you so Nikki couldn't help himself.' Vince explained. 'Why was the guy saying stuff about me?' I asked confused. 'I don't know, you're both a famous couple he was just talking shit.' Vince answered. 'Right, get dressed we're going down to the cop station.' I told him. 'Yes ma'am' Vince chuckled before getting changed and heading out to the elevator with me.

I saw Vicky and Doc down in the foyer and realised they were organising to bail Nikki out. 'Vince and I are coming.' I said from behind them spooking Vicky. 'Okay then let's go.' Doc signed. We walked out to the van waiting for us and started driving. 'What are you gonna do when you see him?' Vince asked. 'Well I just want to make sure he's okay first and go from there.' I answered. 'Sixx is fine, he fucked that other guy up. Hence why he's in a cell and not in hospital.' Vince chuckled. 'Yeah well if he wasn't an addict we wouldn't be in this situation.' I replied bluntly. 'I always have to deal with shit like this from Sixx, I agree with you Hailie.' Doc said. 'Do you think he'll ever get off the stuff?' Vince asked. 'I don't know anymore.' I said sadly, looking at the ground.

We got to the police station and I got out and waited for Doc, since he was going to do the talking. Vicky got out and put her arm around me for a small hug. 'I'm sorry kid, I know dealing with this is hard.' She said to me. I gave her a small smile before following Doc inside with the others. 'Here to bail out Nikki Sixx.' Doc said to the policeman at the desk. 'Can I go see him while you process all this please?' I asked politely. The policeman looked at his colleague and told him to take Vince and I to see him. We followed him and walk through a door to the holding cells. 'He's in the cell down the end.' The policeman told us. 'Thanks man.' Vince replied as I hurried to the end cell.

'Nikki!' I exclaimed, as I saw him in the cell. He had blood shot eyes, his hair was messy, his skin was pale and he looked like hell. 'Hailie?' He asked, getting up from the bed and running over to me. 'What the hell have you got yourself into?' I asked him. He signed and just looked at me sadly. 'I'm glad you're here H, I missed you.' He said quietly. 'Hey man.' Vince said from behind me. 'Vinnie! Come to bail me out?' Nikki chuckled. 'I always have.' Vince replied laughing. 'Sorry is this funny to you?' I asked, annoyed. They both didn't say anything, just looked at the ground. 'Baby I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take it so far.' Nikki replied finally. 'Anything for drugs right?' I asked, coldly. Nikki didn't say anything, just looked at me with a guilty look on his face. I didn't mean to be so mean, it just came out. Part of me says he deserves it and the other part says to be nice about it.

Finally Doc appeared with the police officer to let him out. 'Doc! Thanks for saving my ass man.' Nikki said with a grin. 'As always, it's coming out of you're pay check.' Doc answered. The door unlocks and Nikki comes out and wraps his arms around me. 'I'm sorry H, it won't happen again.' He whispered in my ear. 'It better not.' I answered, grinning and pulling back for a kiss. 'Let's go Sixx!' Vince yelled from up the hallway. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the cop station to the van.

'Now you've got 2 hours to have a shower and get some lunch before you've got soundcheck.' Doc told him after we all got settled in the van. 'No problemo.' Nikki grinned. I was just happy to have him with me again, we got back to the hotel and Nikki agreed to meet Vince and I for lunch after he showered and got ready. Nikki headed up to our room while Vince and I headed to the restaurant/bar. 'I'm getting a fucking cocktail.' I said out loud. 'I'll get one with you!' Vince replied happily. We ordered mimosas and started drinking like there was no tomorrow.

'You guys it's not even mid day.' Tommy's voice came from behind Vince and I as we were onto our third cocktail. I turned around to see Tommy, Alex, Paddy, Slash and Nikki all laughing at us. 'We're just living our life.' Vince chuckled as we left the bar to find a table for lunch with everybody. I could feel myself getting really drunk but I didn't care, I wanted to forget these last few days. A little while later, our lunch came and I was slurring my words. 'Baby I think you should slow it down.' Nikki said gently. 'Alright I'll stop but I'm back on it straight after the show.' I replied. 'Save it for tonight H.' Alex said, winking at me.

'I'm getting black out drunk, maybe I'll end up in a cell.' I laughed, while everyone joined in except for Nikki who didn't seem to find it funny.

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