Chapter 4. Small crush

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I walked really fast out of the building, sitting down on the grass and pulling out a smoke. 'What the hell was that?' Alex said sitting down next to me. 'Dunno, I can't believe him. He has a girlfriend and he's hooking up with me, asshole.' I grunted. 'Wait, you weren't actually starting to like him were you H?' Alex asked me raising her eyebrows. I signed loudly and put my head in my hands.

'Oh Hailie, don't worry about him, he's a dick. At least this happened now before it could go any further.' Alex told me. 'Yeah I know, I can't believe he had me falling for him, making me think he was genuine.' I grinned and shook my head. 'Plenty of fish in the sea babe.' Alex grinned at me, giggling. I don't want any other fish though, I want him. No Hailie, stop thinking like that, he has Vanity and he screwed you around.

The door to the building opened and out came the boys and Imogen & Ash. Behind them was Nikki & Vanity. Ugh. She had her arms draped around him and was whispering in his ear. He was smiling until he looked over at me, his face dropped. I looked away. Even though I wouldn't admit it, it did hurt. I need to get over this, we're going on tour with them next week. God, I hope Vanity doesn't come.

'You guys still coming to get pizza?' Tommy yelled. 'Hell yeah!' Alex shouted. 'C'mon H let's go!' Alex said grabbing my hand and dragging me. We were walking to the restaurant, it was just around the block. I didn't even look back at Nikki, I didn't want to act like I care. 'Y'know it's not what it looks like.' Mick said to me while we were walking. 'Mick it looks pretty bad, but it fine. We weren't anything anyways.' I replied. He gave me a sympathetic look. 'Don't look at me like that!' I laughed as I pushed him gently. 'Just between you and me, we all like you better anyways.' Mick said smiling. I smirked and rolled my eyes as we walked into the pizza place.

We had two booths next to each other, Tommy, Alex, Mick and me in one and Ash, Imo, Nikki, Vince and Vanity in the other. Ugh why did she have to come along? 'I'm getting BBQ Chicken and Supreme!' Tommy said excitedly. 'Gross, supreme is disgusting!.' Alex exclaimed. 'Even better reason to get it.' Tommy grinned at her. I giggled at them. I could see Nikki behind Tommy in the other booth, just looking at me.

I rolled my eyes and looked away. 'He hasn't acted this way before.' Mick said in my ear, spooking me. 'What do you mean?' I asked him. 'Well normally he doesn't care about girls, just does what he wants and then ditches them. He won't stop looking at you though. He's never done that.' Mick said. 'Well too bad, it was his choice to screw me around." I replied flatly. 'Just don't let it ruin the tour or our friendship.' Mick told me. 'Absolutely not, I'm going to kill this tour, and I've made some of the best friends I've ever had. Nothing's gonna get in the way of that!' I replied adamantly. 'Good girl.' Mick said smiling patting my back. I could still see Nikki looking at me from behind Tommy, but I ignored him.

After we ate our pizza and chatted for a bit we decided to call it a day. As we were saying our good byes, Vince came up to me, pulling me in for a hug. 'Don't let Nikki get to you, you can do better then that.' He said into my ear. 'Thank you, I will.' I promised. He let me go and gave me a smile. I looked at Nikki who was staring right at us with a scowl on his face.

'Hey H, I'm gonna go back to Tommy's.' Alex said coming up to me. 'Ooh okay have fun!' I said winking at her. 'I will.' She grinned at me laughing walking back to Tommy. 'You guys coming back home?' I asked Ashleigh and Imogen. 'Sure are girl.' Ash said. 'Okay guys, we'll see you later!' I said loudly waving to everyone. 'Bye Hailie.' Nikki said with a small sad smile. I just looked away and walked off. I'm not giving him any of my attention, he doesn't deserve it. 'What's her deal?' I heard Vanity asked. 'Nothing.' Nikki growled, before walking off.

We got home and I decided to have some alone time in my room. I was gonna do some more song writing and play the acoustic guitar. I heard the phone ring after a while but didn't bother to get up. Then I heard a knock on my door. 'Hailie, there's someone on the phone for you.' Ash said on the otherside of the door.

I got up and walked out to the telephone. 'Hello?' I said into the phone, ash was giving me a concerned look. 'Hey, it's Nikki.' The voice answered. 'Oh, what's up?' I replied flatly. 'I just wanted to talk about today.' He replied with a sad tone. 'There's nothing to talk about. Sure you could have told me you had a girlfriend but it's fine, we weren't going anywhere. Just hooking up. I just feel sorry for her.' I lied into the phone. 'That's the thing though. she's not even my girlfriend. She pops up every couple of months and tells everyone we're together.' He told me. 'Well then why don't you just get rid of her?' I asked him. 'Cause she's got connections...' He trailed of into the phone. 'What do you mean connections?' I asked him sternly. 'Drugs.' He signed.

'Seriously? You're using her for drugs?' I scoffed. 'Well yeah she always give them to me for free.' Nikki said. 'Okay well thanks for ringing me to explain that, have a good day! Bye.' I said sarcastically. 'No Hailie wait pleas-' I heard him say as I slammed the phone down and hung up. 'Did you catch any of that??' I asked Ash after I signed really loudly. 'Yeah that's really fucked up.' She replied. 'Lucky I got myself outta that one.' I replied.

I went back to my room and laid down. I still like Nikki, but it was only a small crush. I'd be over it by next week. Or will I?

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