Chapter 35. Broken family

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I woke up the next morning with yet another astounding hangover. My head was pounding, my guts were turning and I had hot and cold flushes that were making me feel really ill. Nikki was passed out next to me snoring away and I wondered how the fuck I ended up here. The last thing I remember was taking a tequila shot and telling Alex how much she meant to me. Well I definitely got fucked up.

I got out of bed quietly and went to go get some pain killers and a drink of water, making sure I didn't disturb Nikki. I took some then sat down on the couch and thought about last night events and how amazing it was to see my best friend so happy, then I remembered what happened with Izzy. 'Fuck.' I said out loud to myself. I knew I had to go talk to him today, I loved Izzy but in a big brother kind of way. He has always being there for me when I needed him and I wanted things to go back to the way they were, plus I also didn't want Nikki wanting to punch him every time we were together.

I sat on the couch quietly debating whether I should tell Nikki or not when he suddenly appeared from out of the bedroom. 'Good morning princess how you feeling?' He said, smirking at me. 'Like hell.' I replied, chuckling. 'Well you went hard last night so that's why.' Nikki laughed. 'How did I get back here?' I asked him. 'Oh, I carried you back over my shoulder because you passed out at the club.' Nikki told me. 'Fuck I'm so embarrassing!' I groaned. 'Nah don't worry, paddy and I had it covered.' Nikki chuckled.

I didn't say anything and went back deep into thought. 'What's up baby, what are you thinking about?' Nikki asked, looking concerned. I signed and said 'Izzy.' 'Oh.' Was all Nikki said. 'Nikki I've gotta go talk to him today.' I told him, nervously waiting for his answer. 'Why?' He asked, clearly annoyed. 'Because he's one of my best friends and I don't want the rest of this tour being awkward.' I explained. 'Hailie, he likes you I know he does, I don't trust him to not pull shit.' Nikki said. 'He doesn't like me, he just thinks I'm hot. And so what? Every single girl on this planet thinks you're hot and you're still with me by some miracle!' I exclaimed. 'Yeah I guess.' Nikki said quietly. 'Go talk to him, I know how much his friendship means to you and I don't want it to be awkward either.' He added.

I got up and gave him a big kiss. 'Thank you, and I love you and only you.' I told him. A big smile spread across his face as he said 'I love you too H.' I went into the bedroom and got change before giving Nikki more assurance and a kiss then headed down to Izzy's room.

I took a deep breathe before knocking on the door. I was nervous because I didn't really know what to expect, Izzy just came out with all of that from nowhere last night and I was confused. The door opened and there stood Izzy, looking at me like he couldn't believe I was standing there. 'Hey.' He said. 'Hey.' I replied, giving him a small smile. 'Wanna come in?' He asked. 'Yeah.' I answered before walking in and taking a seat on the couch. 'So listen, about last night. I'm really sorry I don't remember any of it.' Izzy explained. 'Who told you?' I asked him. 'Axl, he said Sixx nearly kicked my head in.' Izzy said nervously. 'Yep, you did yourself a number.' I chuckled. Izzy didn't say anything, just looked around the room like he was uncomfortable. 'Okay look what's really going on? You don't just come out with that for no reason.' I asked Izzy.

He signed and looked down at the ground. 'Look I might like you a little but I know you're with Sixx and you're more like a sister to me. I don't want you to stop being my friend or for this to make it weird between us.' Izzy explained. 'Izzy, I could never stop being you're friend. You won't even remember any of this when you find the girl of you're dreams that you'll fall head over heels in love with. She's not far away I promise.' I told Izzy genuinely. 'So friends?' He chuckled. 'Best friends.' I said smiling, getting up and giving him a hug. 'But seriously don't say I'm hot in front of Nikki, that's asking for trouble.' I added. 'I won't, that was stupid.' Izzy laughed.

I left Izzy's room and breathed a sign of relief. We didn't leave until 3pm today because it was only like an hours drive to our next destination so I decided to ask Nikki if he wanted to grab some lunch. I walked back into the hotel room to see Nikki and Paddy sitting there. 'Hey guys.' I smiled. 'How'd you go?' Nikki asked curiously. 'All good, he didn't mean it and it won't happen again.' I told Nikki assuring him. 'It better not.' Nikki grunted. 'Uh Hailie... Mum is on line 1 for you.' Paddy said, pointing to the phone in the kitchen. 'Oh okay, thanks.' I said frowning and walking towards the kitchen.

I closed the door for some privacy and grab the receiver slowly. 'Hello?' I asked quietly as I put the phone to my ear. 'Hailie?! Where the hell have you being, I've being trying to contact you all month!' My mum's stern voice came through the other end. 'Yes mum I'm sorry, I've being extremely busy.' I told her. 'Too busy for you're own parents?!' She exclaimed. I signed. This is why I didn't want to talk to them, they always focus on the negative instead of the positive and I didn't need that bringing me down. From telling me the band will never make it to blaming Paddy's heroin addiction on me I just couldn't take it anymore. 'Anyways Mum how are you?' I asked. 'I'd be better if I had my son here, but no you had to take him away too.' She muttered. 'Do you have anything nice to say? Like it's really good to see you being successful and travelling the world?' I asked her. 'And what about this Nikki Sixx guy? He doesn't look the like type you'd go for Hailie, I'm shocked!' She exclaimed, completely ignoring my question.

'I love him and he loves me that's all you need to know.' I muttered through my teeth. 'Oh he's going to break you're heart and you know it, rock stars never stay in committed relationships. By the way, tell Paddy to come back home. I'm not having him stay with you, you wouldn't look after him.' She ranted. 'Paddy isn't fucking coming home and neither am I!' I said raising my voice. 'Did I ask you to come home? No! You'd rather slut around and take as many drugs as you want in the eyes of the media, embarrassing this family shame on you Hailie.' She spat. 'Well I'm making more money then you and dad ever made combined so shove that up you're asses and never fucking call me again!' I yelled in the phone before slamming it down and hanging up.

I took a moment to try and gather everything that just happened. Then I started crying, I couldn't believe my own mother couldn't see how happy I was and was trying to bring me down as usual. The door opened and Paddy stood there, I couldn't talk because I was crying that hard. 'I know I know I'm sorry.' Was all Paddy could say, pulling me in for a hug. 'You don't need them, you doing so well on you're own.' He whispered in my ear. 'She wants you to go home, doesn't think I'm looking after you.' I managed to get out in between my tears. 'Fuck that I'm not going home.' He said. 'She said all I do is slut around and take drugs for everyone to see in the media and I'm embarrassing the family.' I cried. 'What the fuck?! Wait until I get a hold of her, that's not fucking on.' Paddy spat, getting angry. I just cried, all that anger and sadness I had being bottling up inside about my parents were coming out.

Nikki came in and saw how distressed I was and just gave me a hug. He didn't asked or say anything he just stood there, hugging me tightly and rubbing my shoulder with his thumb. I didn't need my parents, all I need was Nikki, Paddy, Alex and everyone else on this tour.

'You guys are my family.' I finally said pulling away from Nikki and looking at them with a smile. 'We'll always be here for you.' Nikki said with a small smile.

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