Chapter 55. Friends?

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I woke up in the tour bus bunk beds and looked at the time. '9am? What the fuck.' I mumbled as I laid back down. I couldn't remember a fucking thing last night, I blacked out not long after getting to the club. Someone was beside me and I realised it was Slash. 'Dude wake up.' I told him, shaking him.

'What dude?' He groaned as he realised it was me. 'How the fuck did I get here?' I asked him. 'Uhhh...' he trailed off with a chuckle. 'What? Oh no what happened?' I asked him. 'You don't remember?' He answered my question with another question. 'Nothing after we got to the damn club.' I told him. 'Well let's just say you found somebody to and I quote 'Fuck' and Sixx went nuts.' Slash explained. 'Oh no I didn't fuck him did I??' I asked frantically. 'Well you wouldn't be sleeping next to me if you did.' Slash laughed.

I heard Paddy's voice from the front of the bus and decided to let Slash get more sleep and interrogate Paddy. 'Hey Cherry Bomb.' Vince called out as I walked out to when Vince, Paddy and Mick sat. 'It's 9am Vinnie.' I laughed at him as he took a swig from his jack Daniels bottle. 'It's 5'oclock somewhere though.' He winked. 'How's miss trouble this morning?' Paddy asked sarcastically. 'Okay I've got no memory of anything that happened last night, Slash said something about Nikki going crazy about a guy I was with but that's all I know.' I told them.

'Well whatever plan you put together to piss him off, it worked. He went off his fucking nut.' Mick said. 'What happened?' I asked, getting worried. 'You just found some guy on the dance floor and after a couple of hours you started making out with him, Sixx lost it and marched straight over to you, pulling you away and you guys started having a screaming match.' Paddy explained. I took a moment to take it all in before asking 'and then what happened?' 'I pull you away and we walked out while Sixx broke and smashed everything in his way which ended up on him getting arrested again.' Mick said quietly. I chuckled and shook my head.

'Of course this happened. He can fuck anyone he wants, has his pick of any girls but the second I go near someone he can't handle it.' I scoffed. 'Double standard much.' I added. Mick looked at me sadly while Paddy and Vince signed. I grabbed the bottle of vodka sitting on the table and took a swig. 'You really wanna drink again after last night?' Tommy chuckled, walking in behind me with Alex. 'It it makes me forget shit then yes' I replied bluntly.

'Where is Sixx by the way?' Tommy asked everyone. 'Locked up.' Mick stated. 'Come on chick, let's go get some breakfast.' Alex said grabbing my arm. 'I'll come.' Mick said suddenly getting up. Alex nodded at him as I stood up. 'Me too!' Tommy yelled. 'No no this is for the big kids.' Alex winked at him. 'No fair.' Tommy pouted. I knew what this was gonna be about, and I wasn't too pleased but I knew I had no other choice. I groaned as I was dragged out of the tour bus and towards one of the cafes around the corner.

We sat down and ordered our food. Big brekky for Mick, eggs benedict for Alex and Smashed Avo for me. 'How you feeling this morning H?' Alex asked, breaking the ice. 'Pretty shit actually.' I answered honestly. Alex looked at Mick and he signed. 'Look Hailie, we gotta talk to you about Sixx.' He told me honestly. 'Hit me with it.' I replied, leaning back in my chair. 'Nikki is an idiot, trust me I'm not defending him, but there is a reason why he acts the way he does around you.' Mick started to explain. 'Go on.' I ushered him. 'He's never being shown love, he's got no idea how to love. He loves you but he has no idea how to. He thinks he can do what he wants but when he sees you doing the same thing, he doesn't know what to do which results in him losing his shit.' Mick finished explaining.

I sat there trying to comprehend it all while Alex and Mick stared at me waiting for me to answer. It made sense, and all I wanted to do was hug him and tell him I love him back. He wasn't boyfriend material though and he would just hurt me again, I couldn't take it. 'I understand what you're saying Mick, I do. But that really isn't fair, I can't not live my life just because he can't handle it but he can do whatever he wants.' I told him. 'Yes we know, that's why we think you should talk to him.' Alex cut in. I groaned and looked up at the ceiling, the thought of talking to Nikki made me want to vomit. I knew I had to do it though, whether it was now or later.

We headed back, knowing we had a flight to catch to Phoenix. My stomach was swimming with nerves as we walked to the tour bus. We entered and everyone was there, packed and ready to go. I scanned the room and saw Nikki down the far end, sunglasses on and leaning his head against his bag, Doc must have bailed him out already. 'Chop chop let's go!!' Axl called out as he pushed me gently towards my bags down the back. 'Who packed this for me??' I laughed. 'Axl.' Everyone called out. I raised an eyebrow at him as I started giggling. 'Don't worry I didn't steal any panties, that's Sixx's game.' Axl told me with a laugh.

'Sorry what?' I asked him seriously. 'Ah fuck.' Axl said, realising he just exposed Nikki. 'Is that where all my fucking panties are going missing?' I asked everyone. They all looked away with a smirk on their face except for Tommy who just said 'yes!' I looked at Nikki but he wasn't interested in the conversation, just looked straight ahead. 'Nikki?' I asked. No reply, didn't even look at me. 'So much for that!' I yelled across the room to Mick as I walked down to grab my bags then walked off the bus.

'Hey dude wait up!' I heard Izzy call out after me as I shoved my bags in the back of the limo that was ordered for us. 'You okay?' He asked, puffed out from running after me. 'Yeah man, you know how it is.' I chuckled sadly. We jumped in the limo while everyone unloaded their bags and grabbed the first bottle of liquor we saw. I didn't like flying all that much so it helped to be drunk. Nikki was the last one to get in, sitting opposite us and still giving me nothing. I rolled my eyes as Izzy and I did more shots.

Finally we boarded on the private jet and I was tipsy by the time we all got on. This one had private rooms and I decided to take one and get a much needed sleep. I was nearly on the edge of falling asleep until I heard arguing coming from outside my door, it was annoying me and I got up to tell them to shut up until I saw Mick and Nikki standing there. 'Hailie-' Mick started. 'You go, I've got this.' I said adamantly. Mick patted my shoulder before walking out and shutting the door behind him. I looked up at Nikki who's green eyes were piercing mine, and did something I'd never thought I'd do with someone I was fighting with. I hugged him. I completely embraced him and pulled him in tight, he didn't budge for a few seconds but then complied and hugged me back.

'Hailie I'm sorry.' He whispered. 'Listen to me.' I said as I pulled back to look at him. 'I can't have these double standards, I understand you want to get with chicks and do all the drugs in the world but you can't stop me from doing it.' I told him. 'I know.' He said sadly. 'I love you, but we aren't in a good situation to be in a relationship. I really want to be you're friend because I can't lose you all together.' I told him honestly. I knew if we got back together he would just hurt me so I thought this was the best way for us to be. He stood there thinking for a few moments before saying 'okay that sounds fair, I don't want to lose you either.'

'So if you see me doing something you don't like, you need to look away just like I do with you.' I told him sternly. 'Yes H, I will. I'm sorry it won't happen again.' He told me assuredly.  'Thank you.' I answered before giving him another hug. 'Friends?' He asked. 'Friends.' I said smiling. I let go and walked back into my room to go back to sleep, happy and content about where I was at with Nikki.

15 minutes passed by and we were hitting some pretty bad turbulence, I was getting really scared and on the brink of having a panic attack. Suddenly I felt the bed dip down behind me and arms wrap around my waist. I didn't bother to see who it was I just instantly felt much better and fell asleep no problem.

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