Chapter 7

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"Heroes win!"

Midoriya and Uraraka won against Bakugou and Iida. My mind couldn't process what I had just witnessed. While Iida had been trying to catch Uraraka, a few floors below them, I saw Bakugou and Midoriya absolutely brawling.

Bakugou didn't let off the whole fight, while Midoriya seemed to be letting himself be knocked around. 

'But he knew that if he wanted to use his power, it could only be once,' I thought as I watched the green haired boy be taken out of the building on a stretcher. No doubt, on his way to Recovery Girl. 'So far, every time he uses his quirk, he has injured himself, so he knew to save it for that one moment to strike.'

And he had, completely ripping a hole through all floors of the building, and giving Uraraka an opportunity to grab the bomb. However, the heroes didn't get all of the credit for the performance just then.

"Why did Iida get the highest score, even though he lost to the heroes?" All Might asked, scanning the class for any hands. No one put theirs up. If I had known the answer, I would've, but I was just as confused as everyone else. Everyone... except for Momo Yaoyurozu.

"It's because he was the most into character, in comparison to the others," she responded simply, before then carrying on with a lengthy explanation. I couldn't be bothered listening as I looked towards the screen, watching the next four set up in a new building.

I was just hoping this fight would at least be less heart-racing and brutal.

On the screen, Todoroki and Shoji stood outside of their assigned building, and I saw them talking. Looking at Todoroki, I saw a calm and collected face conversing with his teammate, but he still seemed... I don't know what he seemed like, really. I couldn't put the emotion I saw in his blue and grey eyes into words.

'I wonder what's going through his head right now...'

Suddenly, I felt a hand tap my shoulder, and I swung to my right to see Tsu and Uraraka, who had just gotten back from her battle, standing beside me. Both of them seemed to have concerned expressions.

"Are you alright, L/N?" Uraraka asked, tilting her head a little. "You just seem a little worried, is all. Are you nervous?"

I shook my head before looking back at the screen.

"I'm okay, but yes, I'm a little worried. Not for myself, but for Todoroki."

"Todoroki?" Tsu questioned, raising an eyebrow as she, too, looked at the screen.

"Yeah. Ever since I met him on day one, he's had this look in his eyes whenever he uses his quirk that I can't quite pinpoint. It's almost as if he... dreads any opportunity he has to use his quirk. Like it reminds him of something, but what?"

It was silent for a moment before Uraraka asked, "Why would you worry about him, Y/N? He seems strong enough to me."

I turned to face the short brunette and replied, "I worry because he's my friend. Just like I worried for you and Midoriya and Iida and even Bakugou. We're just classmates, yes, but we're gonna be stuck together for the next few years, and I already feel like some of us are friends. I know Todoroki isn't the friendliest of guys in our class, but I think he's just shy." 

I paused, not sure if I should keep sharing my opinion on a guy that wasn't even in the room. However, they needed to know why I thought the way I did.

"He's also Endeavour's son ," I continued, a little quieter than before. "And he's not known for his kindness and generosity, so who knows what kind of effect that has had on Todoroki. Who knows how many friends he's ever actually had. I just want to be a good friend to him, and that includes worrying over things like this..."

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