Chapter 65

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"You belong to me. Don't forget that."

'I... belong to... who? '

Still in a daze, I stared over Dabi's back as he walked, trying to pay attention to my surroundings. I figured we had entered another corridor, but it all looked the same. Red brick walls, iron doors, no windows, and all illuminated by soft, white lights. A perfect place to hold prisoners.

However, the eerie claim resonated in my head, echoing backwards and forwards as I bounced upon Dabi's shoulder. It was starting to make my brain fuzzy, or maybe that was just all the blood rushing to it that was making em feel so dizzy. I didn't even know the man from my nightmare; I couldn't recall ever seeing him before now, so why... had he felt so familiar?

"Looks like the boss has decided to come out and play for a bit. How interesting..."

"Okay, doll, I know this has been fun, but it's time to come down."

I squeaked as I felt Dabi lower his body towards the ground. His hands found my waist, picking me off his shoulder and planting me on the ground. My legs wobbled as I found solid ground again, letting the blood flow through them again.

"Come on," Dabi muttered, motioning to the iron door he'd stopped in front of. "The rest of them are waiting for you."

"The rest of them?" I asked, staring with skeptic eyes at the iron door.

He nodded. "Yeah, the whole League is beyond that door, doll. And like I said, they are waiting on you. So let's go-"

My hand reached for his coat, clenching around the rough material. "Wait," I muttered, a surge of fear hitting me. What was I doing? This guy could burn me to ashes if I so as much look at him strangely. What was I thinking?

"Huh? What is it?"

Dabi actually stopped, turning back to face me - more like tower over and look down upon me. He didn't seem to be angry, but he definitely wasn't concerned. 'Curiosity,' I figured, locking eyes with the stapled villain. They were so blue, reminding me of a particular half-and-half boy I knew; one that I wanted to get back to as soon as possible. 'That's right, I'm doing this for Shoto, and everyone else because they're probably worried about Bakugou and I.'

I hated to think of what kind of chaos my friends could be causing back at school.

"Well, spit it out, doll," Dabi groaned. "I don't have all night."

So it was night, huh? I filed that tid-bit of information away in the back of my head, hoping that it would help later on.

"Before we go in, can you tell me what you meant earlier? About me being special?" Dabi remained silent. "You said I am special - not just to you, but to someone else... Who exactly is that?"

Still, Dabi didn't utter a word, but he did stiffen, eyes widening slightly. The air suddenly became thicker, tenser as I watched in anticipation for Dabi's response. I had to ask him; it couldn't be a coincidence that this man had showed up in my vision; my heart attacks couldn't be a coincidence. As far as I knew, I was a healthy person who shouldn't have been having these near death experiences.

So, I had to ask - before I went beyond that door to do whatever the League wanted me to do. I needed the truth before I wouldn't have another chance to ask. Even if Dabi could shed a little light on the mystery that was my whole existence, that would be a start.

It would be enough... for now.

He exhaled, the slight shake of his head sending a sinking feeling plummeting through my stomach. "You just had to ask the hefty questions, didn't you?" Dabi murmured, rubbing his tired eyes before looking back at me. He smirked. "I could tell you that, but it's a lot more fun watching you squirm..."

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