It was now eight-thirty on the dot, and we were standing right outside the Shie Hassaikai's headquarters. I couldn't see much from where I was standing amongst the crowd of officers and heroes, but from what I could tell looking over the giant front wall was a roof styled in old-Japanese architecture.
My heartbeat was pounding in my ears, a sweat already forming on my brow. Oh boy, this was it. We were really about to knock on the front door one of the most dangerous gangster organisations in Japan. Yeah, just the causal everyday job. No biggie.
"Once they've read the warrant, then you're free to move," the sergeant said from the front of the crowd. "I'm counting on everyone to act swiftly."
"What's with this guy?" Rock Lock said, annoyance furrowing his eyebrows together under his yellow mask. "Over here acting like we don't know how to do our jobs."
Although he stood further up than where I stood with Amajiki and Kirishima, I could hear my mentor let out a groan of annoyance. "You know that's not what he means, Rock Lock. Give it a rest."
"Hmph. The real problem is that these yakuza bastards are good at living in the shadows. They see all these heroes and the police, they might just disappear."
He was right. Who was to say they didn't know we were coming today? What if they were already gone and we couldn't stop them. Or save Eri? What if-
"It's all right, L/N."
I jumped at the gentle grip on my shoulder, looking up to see my usually shy upperclassman looking stronger and more determined than I'd ever seen him.
"Don't start thinking the worst, yet," he said. "That's my job."
My nervousness dissipated into disbelief as I continued to stare at him with wide-eyes. Had that just been... Did he just tell a joke?
Whether it had been or not, I found myself giggling at the statement, my limbs loosening and relaxing under Amajiki's hand.
"Thanks, Amajiki," I said, flashing him a grateful smile. "Let's both not worry, today. Okay?"
Taking his hand off me, he simply grumbled, his nervous demeanour returning. "That's way easier said than done."
I sweat-dropped. Just when I thought he was getting better at this whole self confidence thing...
Silence fell around us once more as the sergeant walked up to the front door. He reached out to press the doorbell and I prepared myself for what was to come-
The front gate was smashed open, the doors slamming into some officers and sending them flying. Instinctively, I flung up a shield in front of the officers near me, protecting them from the dust and smoke that had arisen. What the hell? What was happening? We hadn't even told them we were here, yet.
Fat Gum and Rock Lock grabbed ahold of people, pushing them out of danger's way; whilst Mr. Aizawa used his scarf to pull others to safety. A flash of green lightning streaked the sky, and next thing I knew Midoriya was beside me, crouching beside an officer who was cradling his arm. Crap, did we have injured people already? It was only the start of the raid and were already down on people.
"Are you hurt?" Midoriya asked the officer.
"I think so," he replied, but winced as his colleague came to inspect him.
Yep. This was not good. Not good at all.
"What do you want?" a deep, metallic voice asked. "It's too early for visitors."

Finding Me (Todoroki x Reader)
Fanfiction"...You can't go through life on your own, just like a hero can't always save the day on their own. Sometimes, they need a bit of help from their friends..." I held out my hand again, but this time, I was more determined than before. More certain of...