The next day, I miraculously convinced my parents to allow me to go to school. I was still quite sore, and I most certainly was not at my chirpiest. However, I knew my parents better than I knew myself, and figured out what would convince them.
"Okay, Y/N," Mum caved in, "you can go. However, be back straight after school, and no training this afternoon."
"What?!" I exclaimed. "But I have to train, Mum. Just because I'm a little sore, doesn't mean I'm incapable of doing stuff."
Mum brushed a lock of H/C hair behind my ear while giving me the brightest smile. "I know, but don't you think you've done enough?"
"Of course not," I stood up taller, trying to seem more adult-like, hands on my hips, and head pointed high. "A hero's work is never done!"
Mum gave me one of her infamous glares - the glare that was always specifically reserved for me. I immediately sat down and lowered my head, an unintentional, slight pout forming on my lips. I never liked the glare.
However, I heard a sigh, and looked up to see my mother shaking her head exasperatedly. Her slight smile already told me what she was thinking, and a grin of my own appeared as she spoke.
"Okay, Y/N," she caved in, turning her back on me to clean dishes. "But I'm sending a note with you to give to Mr. Aizawa, saying you are not to exert yourself too much. If you get hurt because you didn't take it easy like I specifically said," she turned back around to me, staring me dead in the eyes, never letting me even blink. "You'll be in bigger trouble than Ben Hur, okay?"
I could only nod slowly, making it extremely obvious that I understood her completely. 'She really is scary, sometimes.'
Mum's mood spun a whole one-eighty suddenly, a positive and energetic aura exuding from her.
"Well go on, then," she said while motioning to the stairs. "Make sure you have everything while I write up that note for you. Then you can go."
Faster than All Might, it felt like, I gathered my school things, grabbed my mother's note, kissed her goodbye, and started racing for school. I didn't exactly know why I was all of sudden pumped to go back after the brutal beatings of yesterday, but I was.
And so, I was racing towards school faster than ever, almost leaving a trail of dust behind me like Iida.
Once I'd reached my classroom, I allowed myself to breathe. Catching my breath, I stood outside the huge classroom door hands behind my head breathing heavily. 'Man,' I thought, 'I'm still so out of shape. Not even the amount of running my thoughts do on a daily basis have made me fitter.'
My breathing steadied and my heart rate slowed, allowing me to head into class without looking completely stuffed already. I had planned to walk in quietly, as usual, and head to my desk straight away. Maybe I'd chat with a few of my friends, but otherwise, be discreet.
However, that plan flew straight out of the window as soon as I took one step inside.
"L/N! You're here!"
My classmates immediately locked their eyes onto me, and started to bombard my ears with cries of joy and excitement. I was engulfed by a sea of bodies, and found the heavy attention a little too much.
"Ugh, sorry guys," I tried getting out. "I c-can't... breathe!"
But no one could hear me above their own voices, chatting away as if I'd said nothing at all. To my luck, though, I managed to see a certain red and white-haired boy staring at me through a small space between Koda and Aoyama, who were crowding me, too.

Finding Me (Todoroki x Reader)
Fanfiction"...You can't go through life on your own, just like a hero can't always save the day on their own. Sometimes, they need a bit of help from their friends..." I held out my hand again, but this time, I was more determined than before. More certain of...