Chapter 34

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"You need code names. Time to pick out your hero identity."

My classmates and I jumped out of our seats with joy, pumping our fists in the air with excitement.

"This is gonna be awesome!"

However, our joy was short-lived, as we felt Mr. Aizawa's threatening glare freeze our butts to our seats. Hushed whispers to be quiet died down quickly, the room being engulfed in anticipating silence while we waited for Mr. Aizawa to speak.

"This is related to the Pro Hero draft picks that I mentioned last time we were in class together," he explained sternly, his hair settling down from the split second he used his quirk.

I shivered under is menacing gaze. He really was scary when we wanted to be.

"Normally, students wouldn't have to worry about the draft, yet. Not until their second or third year, actually," my homeroom teacher continued, his annoyance towards us fading into a sudden seriousness. "But your class is different. In fact, by extending offers to first years, like you, Pros are essentially investing in your potential. Any offers can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down down before graduation, though."

I flinched at that. 'So what he's saying,' I thought to myself, wringing my hands out of nervousness in my lap, 'is that we have to keep being impressive heroes, and we won't have a problem. Seems simple enough to me...'

"Stupid, selfish adults," Mineta grumbled from a few seats in front of me, banging his hand on his desk with frustration.

"So what you're saying," Toru suddenly piped up, drawing everyone's attention to her, "is we'll still have to prove ourselves after we've been recruited?"

Mr. Aizawa nodded. "Correct."

'Crap,' I inwardly panicked. 'Not only do I have to worry about getting an offer, I've also gotta worry about proving myself everyday to keep that offer. Oh man... what if they think I'm boring? I'm not flashy like Momo or Ochaco or Midoriya, and I'm not overwhelmingly powerful like Bakugou and Shoto, either, I also don't have the family connections like Shoto and Iida do. What am I-'


I felt my right leg being nudged by something. Turning that way, I saw another leg poking out, and I followed it until I saw a set of blue and grey eyes meet my own E/C ones. Shoto's gaze was steady, locking my whole body in place.

"Stop worrying," he said bluntly. "You look weird when you get worked up."

I quickly spun away from him, trying so desperately to cover up the raging blush I felt clawing its way up my neck and onto my cheeks. As much as we'd gotten even closer since the festival, I still had my dignity and pride to look after.

"R-Right," I stuttered out, managing to cool my cheeks down a little by taking deep breaths. When I turned to face the board again, however, I had to admit that I felt slightly better after what Shoto said.

'Well, maybe not exactly what he said, but I knew what he was trying to say.'

"Show them what I already know. Show them what you've got."

'He believed in me then, and he believes in me now.' My heart fluttered weirdly at the memory from the festival - the moment before I went to fight IIda, and I had met up with Shoto. 'And so do many other people. I just gotta become one of them, now.'

Facing the front again, I saw Mr. Aizawa holding a small remote control in his hand.

"Now," he started, "here are the totals for those of you who got offers..."

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