Chapter 9

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"Security Breach. Security Breach. Can everyone please evacuate."

"Security Breach?" I questioned, looking around at all the other students filing into the corridor. "Who could possibly have breached the school's security?"

Before I could get an answer, I was shoved  in the back by some other students who were racing to the evacuation point. A cough escaped my throat as I crashed into Todoroki.

Whether it was out of instinct or fear of falling, I grabbed onto him tightly, wrapping my arms around his waist with an iron grip. I felt arms weave under mine, trying to hold me up. I noticed, within our awkward embrace, that my right side felt warm, but my left side was cold as ice.

'These sensations are coming from Todoroki,' I realised as I looked up into his heterochromatic eyes. 'They seriously are quite beautiful... Damnit! Focus, Y/N! '

"Are you okay?" Todoroki asked, his eyes flashing genuine concern for a second, I thought.

"Y-Yeah," was all I could sputter out as he lifted me up. 

When I was standing on my own two feet again, I realised how tight-packed the room now was. All of the students from the Grand Mess Hall had rushed their way into the narrow hallway, taking up every little area of space possible to get out of the school.

Problem was, the doors to the evac area weren't opening.

"We need to get out of here," I heard one girl say in a distressed voice.

"What's happening with the doors? Have villains infiltrated our school?" Another boy shouted question upon question, creating more panic and anxiety amongst our classmates. I managed to spot some of our Class 1-A friends, picking out Kaminari, Kyoka, and Momo in between all of the craziness.

"Over there," I pointed out our friends to the red and white-haired boy beside me. "If we can get to them, we can start looking for the rest, and then-"

As I turned back to face him, I then realised how close we still were. And that our arms were still holding each other. I blushed. Hard. I started to pull myself away from him, but before I could apologise, I felt myself being pressed against him even more.

With more and more students piling in, there was less space to stand - at least shoulder to shoulder. The confusion as to what was happening created more anxiety and tension between us all, and the other students were becoming irrational in their thought processing.

That also meant that they were running around like headless chooks.

"I-I'm so sorry, Todoroki," I muttered into his chest, as that's how close we were, thanks to the other students. My arms were around his waist still, and his hands were still pressed flush against my back, the opposing temperatures causing shivers to wrack my body.

"I-It's okay, L/N," he replied calmly, however, a faint glow of pink dusted his cheeks. His eyes also averted away from mine, expressing more emotion than he'd probably like to give. "Let's just get over to our classmates."

With that, I was flipped around, grabbed by the wrist, and dragged towards Kaminari, Kyoka, and Momo. Todoroki's left hand was warm, which was a nice contrast to my earlier shivers. 

'Seriously Y/N! Stopping thinking about this right now,' I betrayed myself, keeping close to my two toned-haired friend. 'There might be a villain, and all you can think about is being warm? Get it together! '

After weaving in and out of the tight-packed crowd, Todoroki and I made it to our friends, who were glad to see us. However, as soon as we'd reached them, Todoroki dropped my hand out of his. It shouldn't have bothered me at all, but somehow, it did. 'I liked his warmth...'

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