Chapter 14

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Before I opened my eyes, I could tell I was somewhere sunny. The brightness of the sun shone through my sealed eyelids, but it didn't burn me. 'Inside, then.'

One by one, my senses came back to me; I felt a soft fabric underneath me as I curled my fingers into the cloth. The air smelt stale but oddly clean, and it felt cold. I shivered, and instinctively rolled over to curl up even more. However, I turned myself towards where the sun was coming from, eliciting a groan out me.

"She's awake, Recovery Girl," someone exclaimed near me, causing me to cringe at the loudness. Slowly, my eyes flickered open, albeit painfully, blinking a few times to see better. Once the haziness was gone, I recognised my surroundings instantly.

"The hospital wing...?"

"Yes dear, that's exactly where we are right now." I turned to my right to find a familiar face in Recovery Girl, her motherly smile shining bright like it did the last time I came in.

"Recovery Girl!" I went to sit up, only to lay back down immediately with a pain-filled moan.

"Now now, L/N," Recovery Girl scolded me, grabbing a cup and some sort of medicine, "You over-exerted yourself... again. I'm surprised you made it out of that hell hole in one piece, let alone alive. Here, take this. It'll make you feel better."

As she handed me the medicine and cup of water, I thanked her and said, " 'One piece' is stretching it a bit, Recovery Girl."

"Im glad you see that, too," her tone made me want to curl up in a corner, as I felt so guilty for some odd reason. 'How does she do that? '

Recovery Girl sighed, turning away to grab a chart at the end of my bed. Picking it up, she nodded her head as she scanned the many pages with her slitted eyes. Silence echoed for a moment, before she spoke again, looking up at me.

"Your quirk is quite unique, indeed," she started, coming around to sit on the bed with me. "One could say you have quite a powerful ability - the fact that you can morph energy into anything you want is incredible enough. And because energy can be found in many different places, and in many different forms, you have a seemingly unlimited supply for when you engage in battle."

I nodded. "Yeah," I responded, slightly confused. "So? Not meaning to be rude, Recovery Girl, but I know all of this. The doctors told me about all of it, so what's your point?"

"My point, young L/N, is that for someone who is meant to have an endless supply of power, you tend to run out of it often." 

At this point, she was leaning towards me with such a serious expression, I hardly recognised the kind, old woman I had come to know. 

"So tell me - when you have no power in you at all, how do you manage a complete and full power attack in the heat of battle?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but then realised that I didn't know the answer. 'She's got a point,' I thought to myself. 'It's happened a few times now, but I never know where I get it from...'

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't know I wasn't looking at Recovery Girl anymore until I felt a soft hand cover mine. I looked up to see the elderly lady smiling at me kindly, giving my hand a squeeze before she continued.

"You might not know the answer now, L/N. But you will one day, and I'll make sure I'm there when you figure it out."

"Hey," I started, "are you saying you know the answer? Why not tell me now? Surely it would help me become a better hero if I knew more things about my quirk, right?"

Recovery Girl didn't answer straight away. Instead, she jumped off of the bed and walked toward the door. As she put her hand on the knob, she turned back to look at me, giving me a crooked, yet reassuring, smile.

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