Midoriya's steel-cladded foot met with the white-haired villain's face in a flurry of emerald-green lightning and wind, the force of his impact sending the villain flying. He bull-dozed through the ground, tearing it up as he tumbled into a castle wall in a smoking heap. Turning back to where my emerald-haired classmate stood, I was even more surprised to see someone else standing not too far away.
Bakugou was holding onto a shaking Mahoro a few steps away from Midoriya and Katsuma, blood dripping down his face and a pained sneer on his lips. Midoriya looked just as bad, but didn't give away any pain he as he stood tall and stared down the villain he'd just sent flying.
"Sorry I'm late," he said, stepping closer to Katsuma.
"You're okay," the little boy breathed out, tears of relief flowing down his freckled cheeks. It surprised me how he still had enough tears left to cry.
Midoriya looked back over his shoulder, a proud smile on his lips. "That was very brave. You did great. I'm proud of you."
Despite the tears that continued to fall down his freckled cheeks, Katsuma smiled up at my classmate. A real smile.
Bakugou placed Mahoro gently on the ground. "Bakugou," she breathed out, her brown eyes widening with elation. "You're alive!"
"Weren't you listening?" the ash-blond boy grumbled, turning back to where the villain laid in an offensive stance. "I'm going to be the Number One Hero. I'm going to end up being better than every Pro - even All Might."
Like her brother, Mahoro smiled at Bakugou's claim, the twinkle of hope reignited in her wide, innocent eyes. I couldn't hold back my own relieved grin, a gentle chuckle escaping me. From the delirious state my adrenaline had put me in or the built up fear I had moments ago, I couldn't tell. I grunted through the pain that shot up my spine as I struggled to my feet, biting down on my lip so hard I drew blood. "You two sure know how to keep us all on our toes."
The two boys turned around to face me, their eyes widening as they recognised who had addressed them. "L/N," Midoriya called, his features softening with relief. "We thought you had been caught up with the others."
A short chuckle escaped me, wincing soon after at the pain that shot through my chest. "Just a little." I took one step - immediately regretted doing so - and then another. My back ached more than ever before, and I was pretty sure some ribs were broken from the villain's damn dragon attack. But I didn't stop staggering my way over to where the boys and children stood. "But that won't keep me down. Not when there are still things left to do. Guess I could say the same thing about you two."
I felt piercing eyes on me, so I turned to find Bakugou's scarlet ones being tech culprits. His stare was intense, falling from my head to my toes and back up to meet my E/C eyes. "I thought I told you not to get hurt," he said, turning away with an exhausted huff - seeming disinterested. But the twitching of his eyebrows and how his gaze lingered on me for a moment longer than necessary gave away his worries.
It didn't pain me at all to smile at him again. "I'm pretty sure I was the one who told you guys not get hurt. Guess you broke that promise."
"Yeah, well, a few scrapes and bruises are gonna come when you're saving an entire island, you know." Despite his defensive tone, Bakugou turned back to face me, scarlet eyes flashing with that same worry as before. "You ready?"
I stared back at him for a moment in silence. I expected him to be mad - to yell or berate me or something. Or even ask me to leave the fight to them. But that wasn't what he was asking. He was asking me if I could continue. If I could stand and fight alongside him and Midoriya to protect Mahoro and Katsuma.

Finding Me (Todoroki x Reader)
Fanfiction"...You can't go through life on your own, just like a hero can't always save the day on their own. Sometimes, they need a bit of help from their friends..." I held out my hand again, but this time, I was more determined than before. More certain of...