Chapter 26

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"Uraraka is K-Oed. Bakugou advances to the second round."

I was still panting hard when I heard my friends catch up to me.

"L/N!" Midoriya called out, his footsteps slowing down as they reached me. His own breath sounded strained, coming out in small gasps to regain the air he'd lost. I turned around to meet his eyes, shock freezing my face in place when it all finally settled in.

"Ochaco lost..." I muttered out, finally allowing myself to regulate my breathing. "She lost, and she's hurt..."

Hearing myself say that, I broke out of my frozen state once more, and started on going downstairs again.

"H-Hey!" I heard Iida cry out, his heavy steps echoing my hurried ones. "Wait up, L/N. Where are you going?"

I didn't turn my head as I replied with, "To Ochaco. I need to see if she's all right! Don't you?"

No retort came from behind me, and so I kept running, assuming my two friends were still running with me. 'Please be okay,' I repeated over and over in my mind, racing through the seemingly endless corridors of the stadium. Although I knew Recovery Girl would be looking after her, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of dread at the thought that something bad may have happened to Ochaco.

'Bakugou hit her pretty hard. She went past her limit, and still tried to fight! I've gotta see if she's all right.'

Midoriya, Iida and myself finally reached the floor both of the waiting rooms and the med bay were on. However, just as we were about to head towards the med bay, a familiar ash-blond classmate of ours met us halfway.

"Huh?!" Bakugou exclaimed, a seriously pissed off expression warping his face at the sight of us - more so Midoriya.

"AH!" Midoriya cried out in alarm, eyes widening and body stiffening with fright.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Before Midoriya could answer, I stepped in.

"We're going to go see Ochaco," I explained, my words biting with slight annoyance. "We wanna see if she's okay - that a problem?"

Usually, I never let myself be consumed by anger or dislike towards someone, but Bakugou really ticked me off at that moment. 'I get he's wanting to win, and that he knew she could fight him, but still...'

"A-And I'm up next," Midoriya added, pointing down the corridor to where we were headed, "so, you know, I was gonna hang in the waiting room. A-Also, congrats on winning your match. See ya 'round!"

Midoriya nervously started walking away from the situation, Iida slowly following behind him. I soon followed, but I stared blankly ahead at Midoriya, who was sweating bricks just mere steps ahead of me.

'That's right,' I realised quickly. 'The second stage is about to start, meaning Midoriya is about to battle.'

I clenched my fists in frustration, guilt plaguing every fibre of my body at how selfish I acted. I'd just run off, not even caring or thinking about Midoriya and his fight. What a friend I certainly was...

I might've been concerned for my injured friend, but I should've been more concerned with the one who was about fight his hardest fight, yet. 'Against Todoroki, no less.'

"It was your idea, wasn't it?"

I broke out of my stupor at Bakugou's accusation, pausing midstep to turn and face him again. My green-haired friend also stopped when Iida and I did, shaking on the spot as Bakugou continued.

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