Chapter 45

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"Aw man!" Toru whined as we made our way to the change rooms. "That was so hard! I was up against Tokoyami, too. No fair!"

I patted my invisible friend on her shoulder, guessing where it was based on her hand movements.

"It's okay, Toru," I said, sending her an empathetic smile. "I bet Kirishima and Kaminari also feel the same way, so don't sweat. Besides, at least you completed it. Poor Koda got himself lost, he was that scared, remember?"

The rest of the training had gone by swiftly as I sat watching my friends compete. I felt fine, but I didn't want to risk it. My classmates didn't need to be held up by me anymore than I already had.

Although Shoto had reassured me that it was okay, I still couldn't help but let guilt start to eat me up inside. It was ironic how I was training to be a hero, yet I needed people to save me left, right and centre. But as I watched my group retake their race, I couldn't help frustration from consuming me as I sat helpless on the viewing deck.

'No more,' I vowed. 'I will not be a damsel or a hinderance to anyone anymore.'

And now the other girls and I were getting changed, chatting as we stripped off our costumes. I was still talking to Toru when I heard other, faint voices enter the room. I paused as I listened out for the source of the voices, eyeing the room to see if the door was open at all.

"You hear that, right Toru?" I asked the invisible girl beside me, hoping that I wasn't just hearing things. Toru's gloved hands swayed this way and that as she - I assumed - looked around as well.

"I do," she said, "but where is it coming from?"

"I hear it, too," Momo chimed in, walking over to us with a quizzical look on her face. The others crowded around us too, all with curious expressions on their faces.

I hummed in contemplation as I scanned the room again, walking around the walls to see if there were any cracks. Walking past the last of the purple lockers, I spotted something unusual in the green wall. My eyes narrowed in on it, stepping closer to get a better look at it, and when I did, the voices grew louder.

"A previous generation has given us a gift," I heard a familiar boy say, his under-the-weather voice sending uncomfortable chills down my spine. "You know what's next door right? This looks into the girls locker room!"

"Mineta..." I growled, turning my head to call out to the girls. "Hey, come check this out. It's a hole in the wall, and it leads right to the boys' locker room!"

The girls gasped, sprinting over to see what I was doing. I kept my ear pressed up against the wall, but could only hear a loud scuffle come from the other end.

"To the boys' locker room?" Mina asked. "Ugh! That means they can perv on us! Gross!"

"I heard Mineta before," I said, pulling away from the wall, "but I don't know what else is going on. Hey, Kyoka, do you mind?"

"Sure," she nodded, jamming one of her ear-jacks into the wall. We were silent as she listened, her face not giving any sign as to what was happening. However, her expression darkened as she started relaying back her info.

"Mineta is such a gross little gremlin," she grumbled, snarling almost. "He's peeping through this whole to have a look at us!"

"What is he saying?" I asked.

Kyoka blushed, averting her gaze back to the wall in embarrassment. "He's saying stuff like how much he wants to see Momo's curves, Mina's waist, and Toru's floating... underwear?!"

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