Chapter 53

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Kaminari and Sero seemed to agree with me, as they cried out, "We're all gonna die!"

Amidst the shadows of the forest trees, I saw a monster - for lack of a better word - loom over a crouching Mineta. It was a giant, four-legged beast that had jaws the size of the bus we'd just gotten off; its rough-looking skin was textured like rock, and I felt small as I watched him prepare to attack my grape-headed classmate.

Wait - 'It's attacking Mineta! '

"Please calm yourself, my giant friend!" Koda cried, running with open arms to calm the raging beast. "You don't want to hurt them!"

However, it lifted its arm higher and higher, not seeming to hear Koda's protests. As it reached its peak, one second passed before it came slamming down on Mineta. My heart stopped - body and mind frozen in place, unable to move let alone help - as I saw the monster swing, mouth agape and eyes wide as shock overtook my body.

However - from somewhere beside me - I saw a flicker of green race into the fray, disappearing as dirt flew up from the impact the beast's hit made. My breath hitched as the dust settled, and my heart only kicked back into gear when I saw Mineta dangling in the arms of Midoriya, unharmed.

The beast still stood however, meaning that I had to get moving.

Instinct took over, and my muscles tightened and my limbs moved as I took off in a run towards the rock beast within the woods. It was kind of scary how fast I went from being unable to move to running head on into a fight - as if I'd trained my whole life for times like these.

"Shoto! Iida!" I called out, noting how they, too, ran head-long at the monster. Linked - straight away.

"Right," I heard Shoto say, a cold blast of wind coming from behind me.

As we approached, I managed to get a closer look at the beast, and noted how some of its skin was starting to crumble. 'Crumble? Wait - it's not a rock monster at all - it's dirt! ' I realised, watching as how more dirt fell off the beast's outer shell. 'This must be Pixiebob's doing. She's manipulating the ground into beings we have to fight. Well, then... challenge accepted.'

Midoriya charged up, his green lightning sparking as it wrapped around him like a static rope. The air grew colder, and I knew that Shoto was preparing to attack, as well. He sent a huge wave of ice along the ground, snaking onto the hind legs of the giant, dirt beast and securing it to the ground. Shoto had immobilised it - all I had to do was get rid of it.

Energy flowed through my body as I primed it to release, focussing it in on myself. A monster this size was certainly not going to be taken down by a mere punch, regardless of what it was made of.

"Recipro Burst!" Iida cried out as he leapt off the ground, aiming for the beast's right arm.

"I'll kill you!" Bakugou roared, taking me by surprise as he took out the left arm. I hadn't even seen the guy run with us, which was weird seeing as how loud he usually was.


With my hands aimed at the monster's head, I let off a blast of white light. The heat from the blast was intense, and I could feel it burning through my uniform sleeves, but I couldn't care less. My blast hit the target, reducing the head of the colossal creature to sheer dust as Midoriya came swinging in to finish it off.


And with one mighty punch from Midoriya, the rest of the dirt animal crumbled to pieces, leaving only clumps of ice and earth in its wake. I breathed out a sigh of relief, allowing myself to lower my hands and scan the area.

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