Chapter 62

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The six of us raced along the path, following closely behind trench coat-man, who leapt from tree branch to tree branch high above our heads.

"Damnit!" Shoto cursed from beside me. "This guy's quick!"

"If only Iida were here," Ochaco said from somewhere behind me, and I agreed.

Iida would be able to catch up to this guy, no problem. He would get to trench coat-man faster than any of us could, that was for sure. 'But he's not here,' I reminded myself, gritting my teeth as I ran on. 'We have two stop this guy ourselves.'

"Come on," Shoto urged, running even faster than before.

"We can't give up... Not now," Midoriya grunted out, still in pain. "We have to catch him.. and get our friends back!"

"But he's pulling farther ahead with every second."

Shoji was right, he was getting away from us. Even though the trees obscured my vision, I could still see the villain's vibrant, orange coat flashing through the branches and the leaves. However, with every second that passed, that orange was slipping away from view. 'We're gonna loose him soon! '

"He's right," I shouted. "We're not fast enough to catch up to the guy. We need to come up with another plan. Chasing him isn't an option anymore."

"Y/N's right," Midoriya said. "That's why I have another plan. Ochaco, you need to make us float."

"Huh?" Ochaco and I both exclaimed. Float? Why did we need to float, right now?

"And then Asui... you launch us as far a you can using your tongue. Shoji, hold me, Todoroki and L/N, and then use your quirk to correct our trajectory through the air. Measure the distance with your eyes, Ururaka, and then - when the timing looks right - release us!"

'Floating, Asui's tongue, and Shoji's quirk? Wait- don't tell me he's planning on using us as-'

"Ah, I see..." Shoji muttered. "You want us to use you as-"

"Human bullets," I finished.

I wasn't against the idea, but something didn't sit well with me about the plan. Especially because he was involving himself.

"Wait, Deku," Ochaco cried, eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the green-haired boy. "You're still going to fight with those injuries?!"

She was right; Midoriya was in bad shape, so much so that he would probably fall unconscious at any given moment. His energy levels were at an all time low, and we should just get him back to camp right away. But...

"Midoriya, you stay here," Shoto said. "With that much pain, you'll-"

"Trust me," my freckle-faced friend interjected. "I don't feel any pain, right now. I can do this..."

'The amount of determination he's exuding... is unbelievable! ' Although I couldn't see him, I could feel just how much drive he had in him, how much he wanted this. To save Bakugou.

Thinking about it, he probably wanted to save Bakugou and Tokoyami the most out of all of us. And in my short experience of dealing with Midoriya's determination and mental strength, I knew that there would be no stopping him now.

'This plan is crazy, but it's the best we've got, right now.' Gritting my teeth in frustration, I turned around to face my companions, halting our run.

"Okay then, Midoriya," I said, staring said boy dead in the eye. "Let's hurry, then."

"Wait, Deku," Ochaco cried out, reaching for the collar of her shirt. "Here."

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