The downtown streets of Esuha City were crowded with people and street vendors, the bright lights of the street lamps and shops lighting up the dark, night sky. I admired every inch of the bustling street, having never been to Japan's Kansai Region before. It was so... alive.
However, it being summer and all, I was starting to feel the heat despite the cool breeze the night brought. I definitely needed to get Hatsume to give my hero outfit some breathing holes; or else I'd be a melted pile of nothing when the time came to actually save people. Scratch that: I'd be a melted pile of nothing just simply from doing patrols with Kirishima, Amajiki, and the leader of our agency: Fat Gum.
Whilst Fat Gum walked in front with Kirishima all dressed in his own costume, I walked a little behind with a white-cloaked Amajiki. His hero suit consisted of a black bodysuit decorated with gold plating around the arms and shoulders. The white, hooded-cape he wore matched the white tunic he donned, as well; gold plating edging the hood. His cape connected to a scarf-like collar that featured a funky silver mask resembling metal jaws. He wore no shoes, as well - I wondered what was up with that.
Overall, it was certainly an interesting outfit, but cool nonetheless.
"We've got idiots fighting non-stop on the streets, these days. Can't eat enough to keep up," Fat Gum said, plopping one out of the twenty-four savoury pastry balls from his tray and into his mouth. He'd already eaten six of them since we'd started our patrol. After swallowing, he turned to look at Kirishima. "Anyway, agencies around here have been wanting a close-combat type. You're just what the doctor ordered, Red Riot."
My red-headed friend beamed at Fat Gum, punching his fists together in front of his chest. "I promise I'll do my best. Forth Kind doesn't accept work study students, so I really appreciate you taking me on."
"If only Mirio had been around," Amajiki's murmured beside me, his face turning pale beneath the purple mask he wore. "Man. His persistence was terrifying."
I laughed at that, remembering just how persistent Kirishima had been."Yeah, that's Kirishima for ya. When he knows what he wants, he pushes for it. Don't you, Red Riot?"
Said red-head looked over his shoulder and gave me a thumbs up. "You know it!"
Fat Gum sweat-dropped, turning back to focus on walking. "We're gonna work on those delicate nerves of yours, Tamaki; and then you'll be worth your weight in gold."
Amajiki collapsed further in on himself, clutching at his chest. "Ugh. Your expectations only drag me deeper into despair. It's always like this. I swear the man only scouted me just so he had someone to torment. I wanna go home..."
Amamjiki proceeded to bury his face in his hands. Oh goodness, this poor boy really didn't believe in himself.
Unsure of what else to do, I patted his back lightly, rubbing small circles across his white cloak. "Hey, it's okay, Amajiki. He didn't say that to bring you down, or anything."
"Yeah," Kirishima agreed. "Maybe he's trying to encourage you. That's what mentors are supposed to do, right?"
"Gum!" called a takoyaki food vendor off to the side of the street, waving at our small group. "Come in here, please!"
"Tomorrow!" Fat Gum called back, waving back as we walked by.
With a heavy sigh, Amajiki pulled his hands away to reveal a thoughtful expression covering his face. "I'm not like you or Mirio," he said, staring at his hands. "Positivity is not my strong suit."
He was right about that. Even though a crazy air of power surrounded him, his low self-esteem seemed to swallow it all up, suffocating my senses until all I felt was his negative emotions. I still didn't quite understand it, but ever since the day I'd run into Amajiki in the hallway, I'd felt drawn to him. Not like how I was with Shoto, but in a... different manner.

Finding Me (Todoroki x Reader)
Fanfiction"...You can't go through life on your own, just like a hero can't always save the day on their own. Sometimes, they need a bit of help from their friends..." I held out my hand again, but this time, I was more determined than before. More certain of...