Chapter 13

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"You don't have to worry anymore... because I am here!"

"All Might!"

Everyone collectively sighed with relief, bright and hopeful smiles adorning the others' faces. My face dropped, however, when I saw steam emit off of his muscular form.

'He's reaching his limit,' I realised as cold dread chilled my every fibre. 

To the rest of the world, All Might was still as strong as ever; an ever-steady pillar of light and hope. To me - and to those who really paid attention - however, I noticed how much longer he took to fight villains. How it took more than one punch to knock a group of villains out. I noticed it all, and was beyond praying that I was just imagining it all.

'He's not as strong as he used to be.'

That thought alone made my whole body still with terror. The world's Symbol of Peace was running out of time. For whatever reason he was, I didn't know, but he was. And the look on his face now only proved my terrible theory.

"T-Thank you..." All Might wheezed out, dropping his arms out of a brace position. "Young L/N."

I gasped as I made eye contact with the Number One Hero himself.

"M-Me?" I questioned, pointing at myself like a fool. 'Why would he be thanking me? '

"Yes," he replied with a bright smile, "for the shield, that is."

It was then that I noticed a big, white, reinforced shield, hovering just in front of where Bakugou was standing. It was as big as All Might, and had the thickness of a solid wall as it's depth. Although simple in design, it was still intact.

"It worked..." I muttered in disbelief, a small smile twitching upon my lips.

All Might started walking forwards towards the three villains once again, continuing to say, "If it weren't for your emotive instinct to save your friend from harm, I could've been in a little worse shape than I am now. Thank you."

I felt a small blush creeping up my neck to my cheeks, completely stunned by the compliment. I then felt Todoroki place his hand on my shoulder, forcing me to turn his way.

"Good work, L/N," was all he said before facing the action once more. An even deeper blush developed on my face, but I couldn't let that get to me. 

'Focus now, Y/N. Completely lose it later.'

"You just don't know when to give up, do you, you big pile of superhero trash?!" Hand-guy was frustrated, his words full of anger and hatred towards the pillar of hope standing in front of him.

"Can't say I know how to, not when it comes to saving others," All Might countered, not stopping his movements. "Especially my students."

"Let us help you, All Might," Midoriya spike up, concern written all over his freckled face. "You're badly injured, right now."

"Yeah," Kirishima jumped in. "We got this. We'll take 'em out."


Everyone stopped moving at the single word All Might spoke. He stopped moving too, but didn't turn to face us as he continued. 

"You've done enough today, kids. Just make sure everyone else gets out of here all right. L/N, I saw your beam, which means the rest of your classmates most certainly did. Get yourselves to safety, while I handle this one."

"All Might..." I whispered in awe of his bravery. How could he stand in front of three powerful villains, and still smile as if nothing's wrong? 

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