Chapter 41

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Beep... Beep... Beep...

The loud, obnoxious sound interrupted my peaceful silence, cutting through the darkness that surrounded me. I wonder what could possibly want to disturb me from my wonderful sleep.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

There it was again, all though it sounded louder this time. Like it was getting closer, somehow. 'What the heck is it? '

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My eyelids flickered open, my sight a blur of white and grey as light flooded my vision. I heard myself groan, snapping my eyes closed again. It hurt so bad; I was so used to the darkness, that I even hissed as even my eyelids couldn't block it out. Resigning to the fact that I would not be going back to that happy, silent place, I let out another annoyed groan, and opened my eyes.

I rubbed them as lolled my head from side to side, trying to clear my vision. 'I'm... in a bed...' Looking around, I was in a room that held multiple beds, all the same with their white sheets and white pillows and white curtains to create cubicles. I'd been to this kind of place so many times that there was no mistaking where I was.

'I'm in the hospital? But how...? '

Out of instinct, I went to pull myself up, but choked on my breath as agonising pain shot through every fibre in my body. Hissing, I collapsed onto my back once more, my eyes closed to hold back the tears. Everything hurt, and it was only then that I remembered I was severely injured.

'That's right,' I recalled, taking deep breaths to ease the pain. 'I was fighting, and the Hero Killer, he...'

My eyes widened with panic as realisation hit me like a brick wall. 'The guys! '

My heart rate started to pick up once more, my breaths short and my lungs unable to get enough air. My eyes flickered around the room, this way and that looking for anything - anyone - other than white and grey everything.

'Where are they? Where the hell are they? Shoto? Midoriya? Iida? Anyone?! '


I could barely hear the heart monitor go off its nut as I went off mine, panicked tears sprouting in my wide, E/C eyes. They blurred my vision, making all the whites and greys blend into one, blob that I couldn't see around.

'Guys! Guys! GUYS! '

Suddenly, a bang resounded from my right, and although I was blind from crying, I managed to look in the direction of the sound. It had come from the door that I'd only just noticed - since it was so far away - and a short man came running into the room.

"She's awake!" I heard him call out, reaching my bed as I continued to tremble. "She's having panic attack, we've gotta stabilise her."

I resigned myself to looking up at the ceiling, unable to keep looking for my friends who were not there. They weren't here, so where were they. 'What happened after I fell unconscious? Did something happen to them? Did another Nomu come and hurt them? Where are they? Where are they?! '

Knuckles were white as I gripped onto my sheets, seeing shadows of more faces cloud my vision, making the light from the ceiling more bearable. I tore at the starch material beneath my fingertips - anything to keep me stabilised. Multiple hands gripped onto my trembling limbs, and a soft face entered my field of vision, her eyes a brilliant golden brown.

"Okay," she said, her voice low and calm. "Honey, I need you to look at me, and breathe with me. Can you do that for me?"

I couldn't say anything, but I locked eyes with her, letting her know I was listening. She nodded in response, keeping eye contact with me.

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