Chapter 120

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Gang Orca roared from the far side of the room as the other students continued their practical training. However, my sole focus was on the quartet just below me. Bakugou seemed more fired up than before. How was he going to pull off 'winning the hearts' of the all those children?

All Might and Endeavour seemed to be intrigued, too, as both of them paused mid-conversation to look back down at the action below. With them distracted, I slipped around the corner and sat in the end chair of the top row. Standing for long periods of time was so not my thing. Besides, I needed a seat to enjoy the show.

"Now," Present Mic announced, "how will UA's walking explosion handle this?"

I sweat dropped at the nickname. His creativity with names obviously hadn't improved since the Sports Festival.

Bakugou raised his pointer finger, scarlet eyes set on the crowd of misfits in front of him. "The stupid teacher didn't fulfil her role as a leader, so the brats ended up taking over the class," he said, sounding rather calm and collected, for once. "This isn't something that just happens. If they're not listening to her, then somebody else must be in charge, here. There's definitely some kind of boss kid these little monsters are following. We just need to figure out who it is."

"And then...?" Shoto asked.

"We beat him up and hang him from a post to make an example out of the punk. Then we make the kids throw rocks at him! It'll be the most effective way to make them realise what an insignificant pest their leader is!"

Wait... WHAT?!

Everyone, minus Bakugou, Gang Orca and the other students, and the children below jumped at Bakugou's aggressive approach. Heck, even Endeavour bristled in his seat. As much as I wanted to reprimand the ash-blond hedgehog for even suggesting such an approach, I bit back my retort. All Might and Endeavour didn't need to know that I was still right behind them trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I thought the idea was for us to be nice," Yoarashi questioned, blinking in disbelief.

"Wow! Bakugou certainly has a unique perspective."

Ignoring Present Mic's commentary, Bakugou stepped forward to the now frozen group of children, planting himself in an offensive position. His manic smiled somehow seemed to widen.

"Whichever one of you is the strongest, step up!" he cried. "COME FIGHT ME!"


"Such an outdated and violent way of solving problems." My attention switched to one of the kids leaning on the wall - the only kid, in fact. From where I sat, he had slicked, blond hair and a purple overcoat. He rubbed at his temples as if he had a headache, but a smug smirk tainted his lips as he looked back at Bakugou. "You're showing your true colours."

"Buuurrrrned by an ankle-biter."

"Enough, already!" Bakugou growled back. "Just bring it!"

I found myself sinking further into my seat, facepalming myself and just holding it there. No matter how many times he was told, Bakugou just didn't know when to be aggressive, and when he was just being plain out horrible. If they kept this up, we would be here all day.

"Um, sir?" the female teacher asked, voice trembling. "Please forgive me if this comes across as ungrateful, but... Will the children be okay?"

Present Mic's excited smile never left his face as he raised the mic to his lips and said, "Just sit back and watch the show."

"Delinquents aren't in fashion, ya know?" Camie said from behind Bakugou.

The ash-blond boy whirled around with a seriously pissed off look on his face, yelling, "THE HELL THEY'RE NOT!"

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