Chapter 115

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Silent was the room as I stared through the glass wall that split the room in half. As I stared through to see Sir Nighteye hooked up to an oxygen machine whilst chords of every colour were attached to the gaping wound in his stomach. His eyes were closed, and his breaths came out short and shallow.

I'd never felt so cold in my life - not even Shoto could make me feel as numb as I felt now staring at All Might's former partner. At the hero who gave up everything just to save one little girl. To save us all.

Tears sprung to my eyes, yet I made no move to wipe them away. I just didn't understand. What the doctor had said, that was some kind of sick joke, right? Some poor attempt to lighten the mood after the crazy day we'd had. It just couldn't be true, what he said. No...

"...I don't think he'll live to see tomorrow."

A strangled cry caught my attention, drawing my eyes away from Nighteye to Midoriya beside me. His whole body was shaking. Head to toe, he trembled as his emerald eyes blazed forwards. "No..." he uttered, breath hitching. "It can't be... Sir..."

All Might clamped a hand on my classmate's shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze before walking into the dark room that Nighteye laid in. Slow, hesitant, he stepped over the threshold and past the lit observation room; slowly making his way over to Nighteye's bedside. Once again, I found myself watching the sleeping Pro - waiting, hoping for any reaction.

But nothing.

"It's going to be okay, sir. I've got you."

"... I'm not going to let him die. I promise."

"...can you keep me... awake? I need to see it... for myself..."

I clenched my fists as more tears ran rivers down my cheeks. Alive. He'd asked me to keep him alive. Yet, now, here he was lying on his death bead with all sorts of wires sticking out of him and his old partner crying over him.

"It shouldn't have come to this," I murmured to no one in particular. "He should be fine, right now. He shouldn't be here. If I'd done what I was asked..."

A hiccup escaped me, causing me to clamp a hand over my mouth and close my eyes. It was my fault. It was all my fault. Oh curse it, I should've worked harder; given him more energy; gotten him to the ambulance quicker; helped him battle Overhaul-

"Sir predicted my death and his own," Midoriya said, his words heavy yet hollow. "But I figured that if I was alive, then we'd beaten fate. Beaten what the future had held for us..." The fire in his eyes died down to a sad little ember; his eyes no longer shining like before. "Guess I was wrong."

"Even if it's already been decided... Even if it's set in stone... I'll smash that future!"

From the severe slouch in his shoulders and how his hands just dangled at his sides, I could tell he felt it, too - an overwhelming sense of guilt. It was so, so heavy, pressing further and further onto my own shoulders, just trying to get me to fall. To submit. Try as I might to push it off, though, it still remained on me, over me. Inside me.

There were mics on the other side of the glass, allowing me to hear the heartbroken voice of All Might as he said, "I'm so sorry."

The mind-numbing beeping of the heart monitor changed it's beat slightly as Nighteye shuffled around in the bed. A groan escaped him, fogging up his oxygen mask as he opened his golden eyes.

"Is that you... All Might?" Nighteye said, his voice hoarse and dry. "You feel like talking... now that I'm on my death bed?"

All Might bowed his head. "I don't know what to say. I was wrong. I pushed you away and now..."

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