Chapter 123

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In the blink of an eye, September passed and the chilling breezes of October were starting to creep in. However, I wasn't cold from the cool air. Not even a little bit.

The stoic expression of Sir Nighteye stared back at me as I knelt before his coffin. It was layered in wreaths and strands of multicoloured flowers that weaved across the smooth surface like a tapestry - the story of his life spread out before us. This area of the Public Hero's Safety Commission was more traditional Japanese architecture, with the paper walls and softer floorboards for us to kneel on. It was a place of respect, specifically designed to farewell the great heroes of our country.

I just never imagined I would be here so soon.

To think that Sir was laying underneath all of the flora just metres before me sent chills down my spine. I'd never been to a funeral before. It was definitely not something I wanted to make a regular occurrence of, that was for sure.


I twisted over my shoulder to see Fat Gum standing there, a forlorn expression weighing his usually bright features down. His usual yellow tracksuit was covered by a black suit and tie. His yellow hoodie stuck out from underneath along with his black mask, but not even that small sense of normality could make me feel less... wilted.

"Hey, it's time to go, kiddo," Fat Gum said, bending down beside me.

I nodded, turning back to the coffin. "Okay." But I made no further action to move.

Fat Gum shuffled beside me, a tired sigh escaping him. "Erasurehead wants to take you all back to school. He says you've seen enough."

"I hope he's in a better place."

Fat Gum didn't respond, letting the silence encompass us, blanket us. Even in his picture, Nighteye exuded an intimidating aura just from the look in his lime-green eyes. However, looking more closely, I found his lips were actually slightly upturned at the edges. It was pretty much a summary of him: cold, but caring. Strong, but vulnerable. Dead, but alive.

It wasn't until I felt large hands brush over my cheeks that I realised I was crying. Incredulously, I turned to my mentor to see sparkling tears pooling in his honey-coloured eyes, as well. His giant hands wrapped around me and pulled me into his plush side, and I did not resist as I let his fat slightly consume me.

"I know, kid," he whispered, tugging me tighter. "Me, too. Me, too..."

Soundless tears soaked into Fat Gum's suit, but he didn't seem to mind it as he just let it continue, only holding me close as I trembled in silence. Crying in public, for most, would be embarrassing. However, all thoughts and feelings of self-preservation were blocked out because all I felt was tremendous, heavy sadness. From my friends to my teachers to the other heroes involved in the raid and Nighteye's life, it was like a toxic smoke that was slowly suffocating me.

It was everywhere.

I don't know how long we stood there for, but I eventually pulled away. Sniffling away the last of my tears, I muttered, "Yeah. I think I've seen enough, too."

A sad smile stretched my mentor's lips once more as he placed his hand on my back and lead me away. Exiting the main room, I found myself walking towards a large group of familiar people. Mr. Aizawa stood with Midoriya, Tsu, Ochaco and Kirishima by the main door. Beside them were the Big Three, as well as Centipeder, Bubble Girl and Ryukyu. All Might stood off to the side closer to the door.

"Everyone's here. Good," Mr. Aizawa said, scanning around our group as Fat Gum and I walked in. "I know today must be hard for us all. I even contemplated not bringing you students along just for your personal wellbeing. I thought it would've been too much for you to handle so soon."

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