"Ugh..." Iida grunted, switching his phone off and shoving it in his coat pocket. "It's no good. Neither of them is picking up their phones. Knowing those two, they're just blowing off the party."
It was now six-forty-five pm, and Kirishima and Bakugou were still nowhere to be found. We'd all tried contacting them, but neither one of them picked up. I released a sigh, turning my gaze to the unmoving elevators. Seriously? I didn't expect them to be on time, but they should've been here by now. Where are they?
"Maybe one of us should go find them?" I suggested turning back around to the group. "I'm sure they haven't blown us off, Iida."
"If it were up to Bakugou, they would," Kyoka said, eliciting some nods of agreement.
I shook my head. "As much as he says he detests us, he secretly does like hanging around us."
"And how do you know that, Y/N?" Shoto asked, meeting my eyes with an intense stare. His eyes didn't shine like they had moments before, now looking hardened and cold. "Has he told you this? When?"
That had me raising my brow. "Whoa, no. Not at all, Shoto. He hasn't told me anything like that. I can just... feel it."
It wasn't a complete lie; he hadn't told me anything specific regarding his feelings towards the rest of us. However, my mind trailed back to the night we both found out All Might's secret, and to our conversation earlier today.
"But now you know that I'm weak, too... I'm not good enough."
"You feel it, too, don't you? Like you're a failure. Well... welcome to the club, sister."
Bakugou had let his guard down briefly both times, allowing me to see his fears and insecurities. As much as he hated them, I saw them as signs: signs that showed he cared. He cared so much more than he would ever admit in his life.
"You can just... feel it?" Shoto's voice was skeptical, his eyebrows furrowing together, clearly unconvinced. "Right."
I didn't like his tone, how cold it had suddenly become, sending a subtle chill through the air. And his aura changed, too, becoming rigid, stand-offish and hard. Like an impenetrable wall. I steeled my gaze on the icy-hot boy. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Shoto shrugged. "I don't know. Why don't you tell me, Y/N? What else do you know about Bakugou that no one else does?"
"What the heck are you saying, Shoto-"
"Have you been hanging out with him?"
"No! What-"
"Are you talking with him?"
"Shoto, stop-"
Shoto suddenly stepped forward, his body towering over mine, but I did not crouch. I met his intense gaze with my own. His eyes were blazing blue and grey fire; I hadn't seen this fire since back at the training camp. The betrayal and hurt he exuded almost knocked me to the floor it was so overwhelming.
"Shoto..." I said. "What's gotten into you? What's this about?"
Before Shoto could open his mouth to answer, a loud blaring noise sounded throughout the lobby. I pulled away from Shoto to look around the room, scanning the walls that surrounded us to see what the matter was.
"This is a message from the I-Island Security System," came a feminine voice over a loud speaker. "We have a received a report that an explosive device was discovered somewhere on the I-Expo grounds. I-Island will now be in High Alert mode. Your safety is our top priority. Residents and tourists should return to their lodgings as quickly as possible..."

Finding Me (Todoroki x Reader)
Fanfiction"...You can't go through life on your own, just like a hero can't always save the day on their own. Sometimes, they need a bit of help from their friends..." I held out my hand again, but this time, I was more determined than before. More certain of...