Chapter 4 🌹

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Finally the day is here after waiting over a week, of handing in the permission form my mom signed. The trip I've been excited for since it was first mentioned over a month ago. I can't wait to see castle in person. I've never visited before, even with all the begging to my dad to take me over there but now finally I get my chance to see it with my own two eyes.

Just now everyone was piling into the buses, there was two buses to be filled with teenagers such as myself even though I'm one of the older ones in my year and the teachers taking attendance to make sure everyone is here on time. Perfect timing is the key, especially since going to the vampire royals. I learned that from my parents they've always said you can never be late or too early for them, just on time is perfect so my guess is that the school know this too which is why we're setting off this morning.

"Y/n, babe? You're still sitting with me aren't you?" Kai

He wraps his arm around my waist and guides me to one of the buses.

"Yes. Joy and Irene are going to sit together."

He smiles down at me with a nod.

"Okay." Kai

He step into the bus with the teacher checking off our names. The driver was loading our bags into a space within the bus to store all our luggage, so we had to take our seats and wait patiently. We chose a seat at the back, in front of Joy and Irene that we're sitting close together. Upone taking our seats joy turned around with a wide smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh y/n! Are you excited? Finally we're going to the castle and I get to see Jimin in person!" Joy

She squealed causing some attention our way but she ignores it. I laughed at her as did kai but Irene refused to turn around, she's been very quiet lately and not herself, I put it down to her not being well.

"Calm down Joy, we'll be there soon. It won't be a long drive."

"Oh I know! But I'm too excited! This trip is going to be amazing!" Joy

"Okay everyone take your seats! The driver will be finished in just a moment but please take you seats now." Teacher

I sighed and sat back into kai's arms, readying myself for the hour drive to the castle. While joy quickly turned around putting on her seat belt and whispering to Irene about something that I couldn't hear but I'll ask her later what they spoke about.

Soon enough like the teacher had said the driver came back in the bus and started up and in no time we were driving away to the castle. I snuggled in closer to Kai, leaning my head into his shoulder, I usually get tired in long journeys that involve someone driving, I think it's the movement but I find it relaxing and even more so snuggling up to Kai in the back seat of the bus. It didn't take long until I drifted off for a little nap until we got there.

An hour later.

I felt someone lightly tap me on the shoulder.

"Babe, babe wake up. We're here."

I heard Kai whisper in my ear so softly. He was always good at waking me up nicely. I sat up from him and rubbed my eyes and let out a little yawn.

"We're here already?"

"Yes so get your lazy butt up and let's go!" Joy

"Come one y/n." Irene

She weakly smiled at me, I smiled back at her and nodded. Now standing up with Kai to leave the bus. When stepping off the bus I was memorised to see the castle in person, it was huge and beautiful, with little colour red around the windows and flowers decorated the outside. It's not something you would think the kings with a lethal reputation would have but according to my dad it's to trick others to what they're like, but I don't buy it.

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