Chapter 32 🌹

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Everyone has gone out looking for Hyeon since he's clearly behind the kidnap of y/n. For what purpose, I don't know since he must of gotten his wish in a way for us to obey by our laws. Obviously it's not good enough.

He likes action so my theory is just to wind us up and get an reaction and it's definitely working. As much as I'd love to go out looking for y/n with my brothers, I stayed here with Joy.

Her health has improved in the last two days as good as that is but I can't help but stew in my own worry and anger that y/n is gone and we can't find her.

I was out last night looking for her while Yoongi stayed here with Joy in case she woke up. We need to know what happened and joy might give us some clues to where she might be.

She hasn't woken up yet, but her body has stayed alsleep to heal itself and she should, if I'm right, wake up today.

Her health is far more better than it was yesterday, her heart beat is at normal rate and her bruise is already starting to change colour.

Currently sitting in a chair next to joys bed I sat in silence, waiting for her to wake up. Her parents just left since her mother needed to pick up her brother from school and her father needed to go back to work but to call if she wakes up.

Joy began to stir, squeezing her eyes shut until they flew open quickly. She's awake!

She didn't move yet, just looking around the room, with wide eyes and confusion on her face.


Her eyes quickly turned to me to then have her eyes shrink back to their original size.

"W-where am I?" Joy

"You're at the hospital. You're fine, you're actually very lucky a little more to the left there and you might not of made it."

"How long have I been here for?" Joy

I sighed to look away to the floor.

"Two days."

"Two days?! Where's y/n?? Is she okay?!" Joy

Normally I would smile at the concern she has for y/n. Since that day she threaten to beat up Kai, I grew kind of fond of her.

"She, we haven't found her yet."

She groans and throws her head back into the pillow behind her.

"You guys have to find her! Kai took her, for god knows what reason. He's a psycho!" Joy

I immediately met her brown eyes with my red ones when she mentioned Kai. He was involved?

He must of been the new scent that was at the house.

"You saw Kai there?"

I gritted my teeth, I'm not angry at her, just Kai and Hyeon. She nodded slowly, pulling up the covers closer to her chest.

"Yes. He was working with the guy that stabbed me while we climbed the fence. I watched Kai grab y/n and take her away. He injected her with something and she past out. They all left me there afterwards before I blacked out." Joy

Turning my hands into fists, digging my nails into the palm of my hands. They injected her?!

Out of controlled rage, that I had to let out I slammed my fist on the side table that crumbled under my strength. It fell to the floor in pieces and Joy yelped in surprise and pulled the covers up to her face.

I started breathing heavily but remembered I better calm down while joy is in the room. She's y/n best friend, so there's no way I could hurt her as it would hurt y/n.

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