Chapter 39 🌹

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This place was cold for sure, but I tried to steal as much warmth from Joy as I could, by sticking to her like glue, but soon enough I didn't have to do that when I felt something drape across my shoulders.

I gasped at the sudden warmth and turned around my find Tae suddenly missing his dark brown cardigan he had on. I smiled at him as a thank you and he smiled back with just a little slip of a chuckle.

Turning back around, Joy stopped with her eyes settled to something in the corner. I followed her line of sight and I could just see someone's legs, stretched out next to the bars. Its had to be Kai.

I unlinked our arms and ran over to Kai.


His furrowed eyes sprung up to meet mine and I smiled at him.

"Y/n what are you doing down here?" Kai

"I wanted to talk to you before they make a decision."

He nods and looks behind me and the nods again.

"Hi Joy." Kai

I heard her hum from behind me and I took up a spot to sit down on the cold stone. Kai then looked away from Joy awkwardly and down at his hands rested on his lap.

"How are you doing Y/n? I guess congratulations is in order then." Kai

It took me moment to realise what he meant and then I let out a little laugh. All my anger towards him from the past in now long gone. I came to conclusion last night that not only was Kai trying to save my life when Hyeon had me in a cell but also my child's and I felt grateful towards him now.

"Oh, thank you. I'm okay, much better than I was, thank goodness, but I just wanted to say thank you."

He frowned again, a little confused. Next to me I felt Joy come to sit next to me quietly and cross her legs, but I didn't look at her, I just remained set on Kai at the moment.

"Why?" Kai

"That's a silly question Kai. You tried to help me when I was held captured and you even told them.."

I pointed at Jin and Taehyung that were just a few feet away behind me.

"Where I was and risked your own life doing it."

Kai shifted on his spot and pulled his legs up to his chest to turn on his bum on the ground and cross his legs like Joy, so now he was facing me dead on.

"It was nothing Y/n, really. Nothing compared to what I've done to you." Kai

He sighed sadly and he fiddled with the hem of his shirt, looking down at his legs.

"You made it up to me in my opinion. Not only did you save me but my baby too, and I'll be grateful, I think if it weren't for you that fever would of killed me for sure."

I heard Tae hum deeply from behind and Jin sigh loudly. Don't know why but I ignore it. Kai didn't say anything, he just stayed quiet and refused to look at me until he sighed and shook his head with his shoulders dropping. Then with his quivering lip he surprised me by pushing his face up against the bars, with his puppy eyes, I once loved so much.

"I didn't know your mom and dad were going to be killed Y/n. I promise you I didn't know." Kai

"But you took Y/n and left ME to die!" Joy

She raised her voice, the first bit of noise shes made since seeing him. Kai, doesn't flinch but looks at her and closing his eyes taking a deep breath and allows on ear to slip down his cheek while he nods lightly and opens his eyes back again and stares deeply at Joy.

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