Chapter 73 🌹

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Walking into this massive house that once belonged to my brother mothers family was massive, a mansion at that. A house that gets passed down from generations and i came to find out that because my birth mother is dead I'm the rightful owner to the Yoo house.

I could and did have the option to get rid of it but despite the woman that gave birth to me being an evil woman I decided to keep it, a source of where I came from in a way.

It took weeks to get the place cleaned up and remove the dead bodies since everyone that worked in this place were killed by my soulmates.

It's a beautiful place anyway and I'd like to make this place like a holiday home since it is a fair distance away from the castle I currently live here. A nice place to take the kids and it's not too far from the beach either.

Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon came with me to this place. Just walking along the halls first, exploring the place I didn't get to see the last time I was here.

The cells downstairs where I was held and where that woman was killed will be destroyed and changed into something else, I'm thinking maybe have an indoor pool built down their or something. It's big enough so I don't see why not.

There's 10 bedrooms in this place, all with their own bathrooms. Another bathroom downstairs and a servant quarters in the attic. That too will be changed into something else but I don't know what yet. There's also an office area, a massive dining room. The kitchen is also a very big size and there two lounges. One for a living room I would have for family time and another for maybe some adult quality time without children. There's a library too but it's not as big as the one at the castle. Since we found that room Namjoon decided to explore on the books there.

So Jimins and Jungkook have been following me around this place, really just playing around.

In the long hallway on the way back to the stairs there were family portraits hanging up on the wall. I obviously assume I'm related to all these people. Who there are I don't know but I might find out one day. I don't want to take them down just yet but when we start to collect more family pictures that's when I'll start to replace the paintings with more up to date pictures than paintings. I bet my brother mother would be turning in her grave if she could hear my thoughts right now.

"Come on y/n you said you wanted that chest with your fathers things that's in the basement right?" Jungkook

I nodded dragging my sights away from a painting of an elderly couple with a small boy sitting in front of them in very old fashioned clothes. When I managed to finally look away and set my eyes on Jungkook and Jimin walking just past me to the stairs I was very surprised to see what they were doing.

 When I managed to finally look away and set my eyes on Jungkook and Jimin walking just past me to the stairs I was very surprised to see what they were doing

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Jimin ran and jumped onto Jungkooks back and he continued walking like it was nothing.

"Yeah its in the basement guys."

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