Chapter 61 🌹

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Myself and Jin just got back from the prison that Y/ns mother was suppose to be held in. Unfortunately she had escaped five years ago and they were too terrified to let us know.

Both of us were very tempted to tear that place apart but refrained from doing such a thing. I don't think y/n would be best pleased with it if she found out and she's already stressed enough from last night.

I've never heard y/n scream like that and I don't ever want to hear her scream like that again. We ended the event at that every second and sent everyone home, but when we went looking for her mother there was no sight of her.

None of us could find her there but y/n was sure she seen her mother and now talking to the the he's dog the prison I was convinced she was right in what she saw.

It's just how did she become a vampire was the question but the information we received was that her mother was already a vampire when she was admitted and the step father was human. He's still in there thank god and he'll rot in there and if he ever gets out I will kill him personally.

Now we just have to tell everyone on what we know who all happen to be in our shared office waiting for us.

Both myself and Jin went straight towards the office since we could hear from the far end of the castle that Kai was currently with y/n and the girls. So no worries there.

We both stormed into the room and Jungkook jumped in front of us out of nowhere.

"Thank god! What did you find out?" Jungkook

"Just calm down and sit Jungkook. We'll explain everything."

I calmly said but he groaned and went to sit next to Jimin and Taehyung on the sofa.

"So? What did the prison say?" Hoseok

He asked standing next to the fire place with his arms crossed on his chest.

"It's not good I can tell you that." Jin

He walked over to the table filled with drinks and poured himself a drink to quickly gulp it down.

"What Jin means to say was that Y/n did indeed see her birth mother last night."

"What?! Are you kidding me?" Jimin

He exclaimed as I made my way to sit on the chair behind the desk and run my hands through my hair. It's a very stressing time for all of us and I think it's gonna get worse.

"No im not kidding you. We talked to the person in charge and he told us that she escaped from prison five years ago and they were too scared to tell us."


He threw his empty glass in the lit fire place, his face reddened with anger.

"Yes we let them live. Do you really think it's a good idea if y/n found out we slaughtered everyone in that prison because they were frightened of us? No, we can't do that but we'll deal with them later, right Namjoon?" Jin

He looks at me but I only nod with a heavy sigh.

"Yeah we'll deal with them another time."

I watched Jin pour another drink in another glass and come over to pass it to me.


He nods and walks back over to the drinks again and Yoongi slowly sits back down into he one seater.

"So what else did you find out?" Taehyung

"Well her mother was admitted as a vampire and kept in the far wing away from the humans and her step dad is a human who was nothing but a junkie on vampire blood." Jin

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