Chapter 10 🌹

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I sighed heavily brushing my hair back as I walked back into the office after walking Y/n to the lunch hall for lunch. Myself and my brothers are suppose to be there during meal times but with Y/n here it's kind of made us go back on the rules that we set out in the first place. She really is something.

"Namjoon we need to get rid of that kid." Yoongi

I nodded to him while I stared down at the floor, thinking of ways for him to go away. I'm just like everyone else, I hate the guy but I'm one of the few of us that have better self control, it's Jimin and Jungkook I worry about the most. They have trouble especially when it comes to Y/n.

"I agree, we'll think of something."

"Sooner the better." Yoongi

He doesn't have to tell me twice. Her boyfriend, Kai as she calls him doesn't deserve her, she's our queen. She doesn't fully understand the power she holds over all of us. She's ours and I'm afraid she'll have to learn the hard way just how much of an asshole he really is but we'll be there for her, we've got forever.

"Ah this is all too much." Yoongi

I now watched him get up off the sofa to walk over to the drink table beside the door and pour himself a drink and quickly dinking it on go, to then pour another.

"You know getting drunk is only gonna make you feel worse."

He only shrugs at me and drinks another to then walk over to my new desk and stand in front of it as I take a seat in the chair.

"Or it could numb the feelings." Yoongi

He leaned over the desk to stare intensively at me. I know he doesn't want this but we can't help what fate has in store for us. All we can do right now is keep her a big secret which is one reason why I suggest to be just friends right now.

"Look Yoongi we can't help that this has finally happened. We all knew this day would come and we have to accept that one day Y/n might even accept us and when that day comes you know that she will have to crowned our queen."

He stand back up straight glaring down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't have to accept anything. I'll find a way were I don't need her." Yoongi

I sighed in frustration. He knows there's no way that's possible.

"There's no chance of that happening Yoongi."

He slams his fist on my desk, breaking another desk in half. The second one in two days. I leaned back in my chair and rolled my eyes. We're gonna be going through a lot of furniture I think.


He stormed out the room, banging the doors open and ran to what I think would be his bedroom. He'll most likely stay there for the whole day now or go calm down in the basement. Groaning to myself alone in the office I wiped my face with my hands and threw my head back over the back of the chair.

All of this is going to be a nightmare. Not only do I have to control my own feelings and instincts but also worry about everyone else's.

"Woah, what happened here?"

I looked up to see Hoseok and Jin walk into the room. I rolled my shoulder and stretched my neck, I felt so tense.

"Yoongi just blew up."

"Why? What did you do?" Jin

He took a seat in front of the fire place and crossed his legs with his hands on his lap while Hoseok also decided it would be good for a drink, in fact a drink wouldn't be so bad right now.

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