Chapter 50 🌹

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This past week has been a long one.

Crying on and off for days, Joy going to school and feeling guilty for it when she has nothing to be guilty about. I just wish I could go back to school, I still don't know if I can just yet, it's never been brought up in any conversations we have.

Through the castle I decided to explore some more. There is still a few places I haven't been yet and I was looking for one vampire in particular. I haven't seen much of him lately and it worries me.

Taehyung told me where I'd most likely find him and he even drew me a map on the castle. A floor plan is what it really looks like of each floor within the castle. Four floors in total and that's not including the basement, dungeon and attic that they have too. This castle is so much bigger on the inside than you would think just looking at it from the out side.

I followed the map I was given staring at my bedroom and according to Taehyung I would find him in their own personal kitchen they have. A kitchen they use for their own needs or to do whatever they want with it. No maids of even butler Choi come to the kitchen.

Walking through the empty halls I found myself at another pair of wooden doors that shaped into a arch. It was a little different than the other doors but either way I pushed it open with both hands. The doors were on the little heavy side but I managed. It'll take some greeting use to I suppose.

Walking inside I found him already looking at me, his head tilted down but his eyes fully on me as of mid way mixing whatever it was he was making, but I could already tell by the smell what it was.

"Are you okay? Can I help you with something?"

"No, Jin I'm fine. I was looking for you."

He began stirring again with a raised brow.

"Oh, why?" Jin

"I just wanted to spend some time with you."

"Aw, well I'm just making cookies

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"Aw, well I'm just making cookies." Jin

I took a deep breath in, taking in the smell of the cookies that surprisingly didn't disgust me like some smells do right now.

"I can tell by the smell but they smell oddly familiar."

Jin pauses stirring, and stared into the he corner do the room like he had just been frozen.

"Jin? What are you doing?"

He blinked a few times and then continued to stir again. He faked cough a few times and I took a few more steps into the room to take up a seat at the large wooden table not too far away from him.

"Y/n, I have a confession to make." Jin

He dropped the whisk into the bowl and wiped his hands down his black apron.

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