Chapter 30 🌹

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One way to keep myself entertained now was to have a stroll through the castle grounds and attend to the castle.

Taking turns everyday of the week. Today's Friday so it's my day to attend, it's something to do and it reminds me of how much y/n loved the flowers.

Now that our basement is chained up and we don't use it anymore, we find ourselves doing a lot more activities. But my thoughts all ways end up with her, y/n.

She may have rejected me, all of us but I still can't help that I love her. I'll never be able to let her go so all I can feel is numbness to almost everything that hasn't got anything to do with her.

I decided to attend to the front garden flowers since I'm also waiting for Daehyun to come back after he checks on y/n.

He told me she's been ill lately and it worries me but I haven't told the guys that. Daehyun wasn't going to tell me but I used the guilt out of him when he knocked me out with that rock last week.

It worked and he told me. He didn't tell me too much just that she's not well, so I don't actually know what's wrong with her. That's why I attend to the flowers at the front.

There as pretty red roses that bloomed beautifully on either side of the path directed to the front door of my home. I don't know why I use to moan about doing this before now when I do this each flower reminds be of y/n beauty.

In my own mind humming a song I once heard y/n sing, I squatted down to a flower bed with my watering can and sprinkle some on the flowers but then an ache in my chest appeared.

I mean I've been feeling that all week but this, this is different. Somethings wrong. I feel it. I know it. Just what could it be.

The front doors to the castle stormed open and all six of my brothers came rushing out, running towards me, totally confused as I am.

"Do you guys feel that too?"

They nod with their eyes searching the area around us.

"Yeah, but what is it?" Taehyung

I shrugged and placed the watering can down to now stand up and wipe my hands down my sides.



Was that?

"Hey was that daehyun?" Jin

I slowly nod. I think it is, but maybe I could be wrong. All of us looking down the road that leads in between the trees and out of our property was the direction it came from.

"That didn't sound too good." Namjoon

He mumbled but I heard it. He must of shouted a distance away.


That's y/n!!

With out even a second thought I ran as fast a I could with my brothers all doing the same. She's in trouble and I wasn't going to waste a second in going to her, even with the rejection.

It actually didn't take long to get to y/ns house. The house was still and the front door was left open and the living room window was broken.

The place smelled of blood. Which was obvious since my very mouth hung open to see two bodies lying on the floor looking in blood with their heads not to far away.

I'd be a fool if I didn't know who they were.

Yoongi, Jungkook and Jin all ran upstairs but I couldn't help but watch Taehyung as he crouched down to Daehyun as head.

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