Chapter 20 🌹

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"For the last time Kai, go away!"

I tried to run from him in the garden from our last class but he won't listen. He's been trying to talk to me even more but this time it's to not listen to his excuses but to try and tell me that the vampires were dangerous for me to be around. If I didn't know who I was to them, yeah I would of agreed but I don't. I've gotten to know them a lot more and I trust them already, I could feel the bond between all of us and I have no reason to doubt them.

"Y/n listen to me. you're not safe with them!" Kai

He tried to grab my arm but I quickly remove it and try walking faster. Where's joy when I need her?

Why did I have to tell her I would be fine and meet her in the dining hall?

I should of just went with her instead of taking them time to take some pictures on my phone of some the flowers. I know I'll be living here from now on but what's the harm in taking some pictures and editing them later on. A secret hobby of mine.

"Don't touch me Kai, you lost the right the moment you fucked Irene."

He groaned and picked up the pace to walk beside me.

"This is about that Y/n. You need to stay away from them." Kai

"I can do what I want Kai and you can't stop me."

He sighed and jumped in front of me to stop me from walking.

"Yes I can but I have proof to show you they aren't who they make out to be Y/n. They're just like what everyone says, maybe even worse." Kai

I roll my eyes, fed up with what he has to say and push him away so I can walk away to the dining room where the huge double doors stayed open with other students walking in. He stumbled back and I just continued walking, not caring if he fell or banging into something. He's a jack ass.

I walked through the doors, sighing with relief that he didn't try and shout on me again or follow me and made my way to Joy who had already found us two seat to sit on. She waved at me, smiling as always and I waved back to then sit next to her.

Everyone was starting to take their seats at the huge U shaped table while I sat quietly waiting to them seven vampires walk through those doors. After yesterday with Namjoon pinning me to the bed, that's all I could think about. What would of happened if Joy didn't walk back in the room?

I think I know and it sends butterflies to my stomach at just the thought. He would of bit me and it would of defiantly led to something more.

"Hey Y/n?" Joy

She whispered in my ear and I just hummed, staring at the candle centre piece in the middle of the table.

"Has Kai tried talking to you again?" Joy

I turned more in my cahir to look at her, frowning.


"Because he's looking at you with those sad pathetic eyes." Joy

She notions to him with her head from across the room with her eyes on him. I quickly glance at him as he takes a seat, a few seats away from Irene at that and I scoff.

"Yeah he has but I pushed him away. He really needs to learn to stay away from him. He's my past now."

I smiled back at her and she gave me a knowing smile. She knows exactly what I'm talking about and she's so excited I'm moving in to the castle permanently but not only because of this whole mate thing but because she said she could use the excuse to visit the castle more and to spy on Jimin. She's made it clear she wouldn't go there but that there's no harm in gazing from a far.

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