Chapter 44 🌹

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I've got to say I was excited about this. Jin told me briefly what would happen during this appointment and it seems all good.

As for the topic of who the father might be, after thinking about it since I found out, I don't really care who it is but what shocked me the most was how I became pregnant. They all seemed so sure, that none of them wanted children and I was going to accept that but not that I have this chance there's no way I was going to abort it. I actually expected them all to tell me to get rid of the baby but none of them have actually said those words to me. Yes, some have acted more distant than others but they're all wanting to attend my appointment which was another shock in itself but I'm so happy about it.

The whole walk towards the medical room, Taehyung was latched onto me like a magnet. He's been so clingy, more than he use to be but I don't mind. We walked arm in arm with Jimin on my left side.

There was small chatter but most of it came from a overexcited Joy. I admire how much she's excited for this but also found it funny, but if she wasn't here I think everyone wouldn't talk at all unless necessary, well except Taehyung and maybe Jin. Jimin may be next to me all the time now since yesterday but he's very quiet, the same goes for Yoongi but he only seems to speak to me when it's just the two of us alone, like last night. It was nice to be alone with him, it makes me think that maybe at some point, if they're okay with it we can all spend one on one time together, if like that but only if they're okay with it. I'd be more nervous to actually spend time alone with Jungkook, he can be bad tempered but I've seen his soft side and I hope to see it again soon.

"Y/n, could you please sit on this chair please?" Jin

His question snaps me out my many thoughts. I didn't realise we had even made it to his medical room now and he was tapping the base of the big examination table. I only nodded and peeled my arms away from Taehyung and walk up to the massive chair while Joy pulls up a single seat next to it.

Out of nowhere Hobi, holds out a hand towards me and I looked at him with confusion. He nervously licked his lips and only gave me a side glance.

"I just thought you would need a hand getting on that chair." Hobi

I took his hand with a nod but a thankful smile

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I took his hand with a nod but a thankful smile. In return he almost smiled back but covered it to press his lips together and guide me to the chair and help practically jump onto this chair. It just reminds me how short I actually am.

"Thank you."

He nods once more before letting go of my hand to walk around Joy who's still seated and stand with the others while Jin pops up on my other side sitting on some sort of stool.

"Y/n usually I would have to ask about your last period but I don't think that would be necessary in this case." Jin

Next he pulls up a large appliance on wheels, with some sort of key pad and a large flat screen attached to it and the scanner. I don't need to ask what this is and Joys pure squeal only confirms it since she has told this would be her favourite part.

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