Chapter 3 🌹

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Watching Y/n run off to her room all excited the way she was, was a sweet site. I fell in love with her a soon as I laid eyes on her, it was like she was meant to be my child and I'll forever be thankful to my kings for what they have done for myself and my husband. Which reminds me to why I wanted Y/n to visit the castle.

"Babe, she'll be okay."

I placed my hand on my husbands that rested on the counter top while he looked back at y/n disappearing around the corner to the stairs. I admire my husband even more at how much he loves Y/n. He turns back at me with a slight smile on his pink plump lips.

"I know. I'm just worried about her." Daehyun

"She'll be fine. She needs to go, you know that."

He sighs and takes a seat upon the stool Y/n once sat in.

"I know that too but I'm worried on how the kings will take it. They won't be happy when they find out she's going to be part of this trip. It took them so much just to agree to it." Daehyun

"It'll all work out. They need to face her one day so why not give them a little push."

I giggled at playing Cupid. I loved it, they're all mates and the kings wether they like it or not need her in their life now that they've found her. She's eighteen now soon to be nineteen during the summer and just months away from graduating.

"They're not going to be happy about her little boyfriend either." Daehyun

He takes both my hands into his, scowling to the side of the room, squinting his eyes. He hates Kai, I do too but that's because I know what type of guy he is, he's a player and Y/n is far more better off without him and on the bright side she has seven men, that will love her unconditionally, it's just that they have to allow themselves to open up to it.

"Give it time. Y/n is their mate, soulmate at that. She'll feel the connection to them and it'll change everything with that boyfriend of hers."

"That's why I'm agreeing to this. I over heard her conversation with joy on the phone the other day. That dick is pressuring her to have sex and that will not be happening on my watch, never!" Daehyun

His hands tense around mine as he fumes in anger. I don't want her to have sex with either but I know that won't happen when she meets the kings, she won't be able to go through with it.

"Relax babe. She won't lose it to him, she'll most likely lose her virginity to one of them, trust me. I know what's going to happen as soon as she sets foot in that castle. They won't be able to stay away once they get a whiff of her."

He suddenly cringes with his face crunched up and shivering his shoulders but loosens his grip around my hands.

"Even the thought of the kings doing such things with her is gross, but you're right. You always have this thing with predicting the future." Daehyun

That's true, I always have a thing for the future, I don't know why but it's like a sixth sense. That's why I use to work at the castle, if something bad was to happen I would feel the shivers spike on the back of my neck and shiver all over my body unexpectedly. I have no idea how I can do this but I'm going with what I feel is right and it's time that Y/n is to pay them all a visit.

My mate smiles at me and places a kiss on my lips before he stand up, removing his hands from mine.

"I have to go back to work now. I'll be home about eight tonight." Daehyun

He placed a kiss on the top of my head before turning to leave.

"Oh remember not to tell them about Y/n joining the trip!"

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