Chapter 41 🌹

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Like Namjoon had said earlier, he escorted me to his office. It was empty thank goodness, I think I would of been a little anxious walking into the room with all of them waiting for me, it's tense times after all.

Namjoon waited with me, he's been a little more relaxed with me now since we played that game. It was fun, the most fun I think any of us have had in a while, it was just as shame that three of them didn't join in.

Instead of him, sitting at his desk, like he's done before, he chose to sit next to me on the three seater sofa. It made me feel a little more at ease, I was more nervous to see Hoseok, Yoongi and Jungkook again, if they come.

Namjoon took my hand in his unexpectedly and showed me a reassuring smile, he must of sensed I was nervous, maybe it's because of how close we're sitting.

"Everything will be fine, honest." Namjoon

"Do they all know I'd be here?"

He nods his head once but slowly.

"Yes. They do, so there's nothing to be worried about." Namjoon

Then just in que on the double doors to the office opened up but Namjoon didn't spare a glance or remove his hand, it was like he completely expected it.

I turned around in my seat to see who was coming in and it was all of them at once. Jimin and Taehyung walked in, all smiles on either side of Hoseok who only took one glance at me and then looked down at the floor. Jin and Jungkook walked in side by side. Jin was smiling at me too but I wished I could say the same about Jungkook, he showed no emotion on his face whatsoever. Yoongi was the last to walk in but he just did what he showed me earlier. A very small hint of a smile upon his lips when he walked in the room following everyone as they all took up seats in the room.

Taehyung didn't surprise me when he sat next to me on my other side, Jimin sat on the fireplace across from me, Jin sat on the corner of the coffee table. I noticed how Yoongi walked over to the desk and sat in the chair behind it, Jungkook crept to the fireplace to stand next to it with his elbow leaning against it and Hoseok sat in one of the single chairs next to Taehyung.

Everyone was spaced out in the room but all I could do was look down, not really sure what to do in this situation or what was needed to be discussed. I just hoped it wasn't bad.

"Now that we're all here, there's something we'd like to talk to you about." Namjoon

Looking up from the ground to his face, I couldn't help stare into his eyes, waiting for what needed to be said.

"About what?"

"Clueless." Jungkook

He scoffed and when I looked up at him he rolled his eyes.

"Hey shut up man. Of course she is, there's many things we could talk to her about." Yoongi

I didn't know what surprised me more Jungkooks comment or yoongis words to stick up for me in some way, but I appreciated it very much.

"As I was saying, there is something you need to know, well a few things actually." Namjoon

I dragged my eyes from Jungkook who was glaring at Yoongi over his shoulder, to look back at Namjoon.

"We've come to a decision about Kai." Jin

Oh, really?!
Oh god what is it?

"What is it?"

Setting my eyes back and forth at both Jin and Namjoon waiting for an answer. They're gonna kill him aren't they?
I can feel it, there's tension in the room but that could also be because of me or I don't know.

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