Chapter 11 🌹

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Today was now a Sunday. A day to relax, so today I got to spend the day with Kai this time. We spent the day walking around and even a walk in the garden, it would a of been lovely but for some reason it didn't feel as beautiful or peaceful as it did when I was with the seven kings. I just couldn't make sense of it and it pretty much spoilt my mood. Kai was my boyfriend and I was already feeling that distance between us. I don't want that but something doesn't feel right and it's pulling me away from him.

Later on in the day I had been requested by the kings for a Sunday meal instead of dining in the hall without everyone else from my class. Even in the little note, it said that my parents were to join this time, which made me feel a little more happier. I wanted to speak with my mom about this and how I've been feeling all day.

There was a dress left on my bed when I came back from the afternoon with Kai. It was with the note to say about the Sunday dinner. The dress was cute, so who ever picked it out had taste.

After putting into be dress and checking myself in the mirror, it made me look so innocent in white since white is not really my colour of choice to wear but still, I like the dress

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After putting into be dress and checking myself in the mirror, it made me look so innocent in white since white is not really my colour of choice to wear but still, I like the dress. It was a good thing I had blue pump shoes to go with it and I applied just a little make up. Nothing that was too much but something a little more natural looking. I felt the need to pamper myself just a little.

Just as I finished applying my lip gloss there was a knock at the door. I sighed and checked myself once more in the mirror and went to answer the bedroom door. I expected it to be butler Choi but no, it wasn't him, it was Jin.

He clearly checked me out up and down and choked to which he had to clear his throat with his hand in a fist to his mouth before gulping and smiling at me.

"You ready my lady?" Jin

Now he tries to act all cool. Just a minute ago I think he lost it for a minute, it was pretty funny to see his reaction in me just wearing a simple white dress with blue flowers.

I nodded at him and he held out his arm and I gladly took it and closed the door behind myself. I surprised myself with just how easy I took his arm compared to when my own boyfriend wanted to hold my hand earlier today.

The walk to where ever we were going was quiet, we barely spoke but I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. It was like a nice walk, it felt the way I should of felt when I was with Kai. What the hell is happening to me?

"Are you okay Y/n? You seem like you have something on your mind." Jin

He could tell?

"It's noticeable is it?"

I chuckled nervously and he cracked a wider smile while he stared off down the hallway.

"Yes. Remember your my mate so I can tell these things." Jin

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