Chapter 54 🌹

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(240 years ago)

"Goodnight Jungkookie." Mom

She sang from my bedroom door like she does every night.

I sat on my bed to put my book to the side smiling up at my mom. I love it when she says goodnight to us but you won't catch me ever admitting it especially to my older brothers.

"Goodnight Mom!"

She giggles with her beautiful smile and pale complexion. She turned off my light and closed the door.

I laid down on my own bed just on my side, bring my head to rest on my pillow and close my eyes to sleep.

Maybe I should of told her about Namjoon sneaking out tonight. I mean he spoke about it and I didn't think it would be a good idea but whether he's done it or not I have no idea.

But at the same time I don't want to be a tattle tail. The one brother everyone looks down on and doesn't trust to be a round. If I tell on him I'll no longer be part of their secret conversations.

Completely shutting off the the thoughts and shrugging it off to decide not to tell my mom about Namjoons plans I start to think about what soulmate I'll have when I get older.

I do this every night, thinking about her or when I'll meet her. What will she look like, what will she be like?

My dream is that she is like my own mom, that would be great.

Out of all of us Jin would be the first to find his since he's eighteen next year and I still have six years before that. It sucks I'll be the last but that's not stop me from finding out before then.

Next week we're suppose to meet someone that can tell things about soulmates. Our parents thought it would be a good idea so they can prepare for when the time came because Jin could possibly find his as soon as next year.

Oh gosh it's so exciting I can't wait, but if I keep thinking about it now I'll never go to sleep.

So with my eyes still closed I decide to think about something else, like how I was now old enough to start hunting with my dad and brothers.

It was my first time about a month ago and it was so much fun, the thrill of chasing that deer was just amazing!

When I chased it down by myself and the proud look on my dads face was just-


What the hell was that?
It sounded like glass shattering.


I heard my dad holler down the hallway followed by another glass shatter and a slam of a door and then another and then another until mine was thrown open.

My dad rushed over to my bed with no expression on his face, but the only time he ever does that is when something is seriously wrong.

"Son, we have to go to your brothers room." Dad

He grabbed my hand and yanked me off my bed so hard I didn't find the chance to find my own two feet. He was practically dragged me, I wasn't as fast as my dad yet but he was moving pretty fast until we reached Namjoons bedroom door and he kicked it open.

Everyone was here apart from my mom and Yoongi. They weren't here yet but Namjoon was quietly sitting on his bed with his head lowered to the ground.

When my dad let go I ran to Daehyun who was standing in the corner next to jin and Hyeon who had no idea either to what was going on.

"Dad where's mom and Yoongi?" Taehyung

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