Chapter 71 🌹

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It's so cute that my soulmates decided to put a cot in the corner of the office that's big enough for all four babies to sleep in while we talk about somethings that need to be spoken about.

It's been three days now since my sweet angels have been born and before they were I had doubts sometimes I might not even be alive after I gave birth to them but clearly I was wrong. I guess having vampire blood running through my veins helped me in that department or who knows if I would still be here today.

I'm thankful I am though, that's the one and only thing I can ever thank my birth mother for is that she was a vampire. I'm just very grateful that my soulmates saved me......again.

There's many things I still have to tell them about what my birth mother told me especially about the night their parents were killed. It just makes me nervous talking about it to them since it was technically my family that killed theirs.

I currently stood beside the cot looking down at my babies sleeping peacefully. They're so adorable and I have so much love for them I never thought I could love such beings so much in my life.

"Y/n they're fine, just leave them to sleep." Jimin

He gently grabbed my shoulders turning me away from the babies and guides me to take a seat in a single chair that's right next to the cot and he takes a seat in the chair next to me.

"So, y/n I'm sure there's somethings we need to talk about. Like your mother for one." Namjoon

He spoke from behind his desk, sitting in his own chair.

"She's not my mother. Never was and never will be. She's just someone that gave me life and that's it."

I hate just the thought of that woman. She was nothing but evil and I'm glad Jungkook and Taehyung killed her, she's better off dead.

"Woah there. Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Hoseok

He chuckled and I looked at him standing by the desk using it to lean his body against.

"Sorry it's just hate that woman. I don't like thinking about her."

"We do need to talk about her a little like why she took you in the first place and why the hell Hyeon was there too." Taehyung

He said seated in front of the fireplace with Jungkook stood up next to him.

"She told me that her brother was the man that killed your father and she killed your mother."

My eyes flickered to Jungkook who stared blankly down at the coffee table not saying a word about anything. Everyone in the room was looking at him since he is the one that seen his parents killed by my mother and uncles hands.

"I'm very sorry you had to see them do that Jungkook."

Jungkooks eyes soften at my apology and he quickly brought his stare to me.

"It's not your fault. You can't choose your parents I'm afraid, I'm not mad at you y/n. I could never." Jungkook

"Eh! Wrong you were angry at her the very first time you spoke to her!" Jin

He pointed fingers to jungkook from the sofa, the startled vampire stared back in shock at the outburst but Namjoon stood up in his chair and spoke before the conversation went differently.

"Let's not talk about that right now. There's other things to talk about first." Namjoon

"Yeah plus lower your voice Jin before you wake up the babies." Yoongi

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