Chapter 79 🌹

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Ren (Hoseoks son) is nine

Minjun (jins son) is nine

Luna (Taehyungs daughter) is nine

Yeonjun (Yoongi son) is nine

Jeong (Jungkooks son) is eight

Dohyun (Jimins som) is six

Harry (Namjoons son) is four

Hwan (Taehyungs son) is four

Hana (joy and somi adopted daughter) is four - she is vampire/human



A further four years later

The six of us were currently gathered in the office, my husbands office at that. Not mine because it's too close to where the kids rooms are and they'll hear what we're talking about. Curse their excellent hearing, they know everything in this place.

It's almost like a battle ground of adults and kids. Ten children against twelve adults. You'd think we would win with the chaos they create in this castle but your sadly mistaken.

This once dull and empty castle is now filled with people constantly and most definitely children's laughter which will never get boring.

Today joy and somi left currently on gardening duty outside because we still do things like that to up keep the massive garden by taking days. Kai and Irene took just a day out to themselves, since two days ago they got into an argument so Kai wanted to take her out to make it up to her, which is nice. I juts think they need that alone time together.

So that leaves mostly the eight of us in charge but currently Jin and Yoongi were not here. They are in the kitchen because Jin was in the middle of making cookies and didn't want the kids to get them just yet. Yoongi was only with him for back up in case the kids tried to invade to kitchen to get to jins precious cookies they love so much.

"Right so! Holiday plans! Where are we going?" Hoseok

"Beach! Beach!" Jimin

He chanted like a child waving his hands in the air in excitement of the idea as he's seated on the sofa next to Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Yeah the beach!" Taehyung

"That's not a bad idea. It's been a while since we took the kids. What do you think y/n?" Namjoon

He asks me, while I'm seated on his lap behind his desk as I ran my fingers through his dark coloured hair.

"Actually it's not a bad idea. The kids love the beach and the weather is suppose to be picking up within the next few weeks."

"But aren't we suppose to be thinking of a place to go for at least a week just to get the kids out the castle for a change of scenery." Jungkook

He says sat in front of the fire place, placing his best dad in the world cup on the coffee table in middle of the room. Jungkook loves that cup since Jeong made it for him last year on his birthday. It's all Jungkook drinks out of now.

It's kind of funny, these vampires have gone from drinking blood and alcohol from wine glasses and only out of ordinary cups when drinking coffee or tea. Now it's al different, they drink out of mugs all the time especially the ones the kids decided to make for them. I even caught Yoongi once drinking his coffee out of Harry's sippy cup because he couldn't find his own cup. I took a picture on my phone to make a photo album of it.

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