Chapter 60 🌹

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Today's the exciting day that I was unsure of at first but I'm excited yet nervous to attend.

It's the ball this evening and it's the first one I've ever been too as well as my two friends joy and Irene.

They've already entered the massive ballroom with Kai who is instructed to stay by their sides all night until we come in.

As the kings soulmate I have to enter when they do which is normal last and to be announced when entering the room.

Luckily Kai is okay with that even though it's his job but he's already been introduced to some lords and dukes that work with my soulmates so he was full of confidence. He secretly told me though that there is a little nervous side to him since it's his first time actually doing such a thing but he wants to be on the kings good side since he is still in trial and they'll kill him if he fails but I don't think he will.

He's actually doing really well despite not finishing school and Taehyung has told me he is doing a good job but promised me not to tell Kai that I said that and I stuck to my word. I didn't tell Kai and I don't plan to unless told other wise.

Tonight at this ball I finally let the remaining soulmates that have seen my dress, actually finally see it.

Taehyung of course boasted that he got to see it first but was only punched in the shoulder by Jungkook to stop his boasting

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Taehyung of course boasted that he got to see it first but was only punched in the shoulder by Jungkook to stop his boasting.

Which has now caused bickering between the two as we all stand at the main double doors to the room, waiting for the signal that it's about to open.

"Can you two stop it? Kai is in the middle of announcing our arrival now shut it!" Jin

He hissed at the two that now pout like kids and I file at their actions. I'm told to stand int he middle of all of them with myself arm in arm with Jimin and Yoongi for when we enter. That way Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok will walk in front and Jungkook and Taehyung would be walking behind us.

I'm very nervous and when those double doors suddenly open my heart drops to my stomach with so much nerves.

"You'll be fine Y/n." Jimin

He whispered close to my ear as we all began to walk into the room following the first three kings to walk into the room.

I haven't felt this must tense and authority in a room since the day I first seen all of them walking in to the dining hall on my school trip.

Everyone was quiet and still, watching all of us walk in gracefully. Both Jimin and Yoongi had tight grips on my arms which made me feel a little more secure and then I remind myself there's three of them in front and another two behind so I'm fine.

No vampire will be pouncing on me tonight, well unless that's one of my soulmates that's a different story.

Stood at the very front on a little small built stage that only had two steps to take until your stood over everyone, was where my friends stood.

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