Chapter 12 🌹

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The dinner went on surprisingly well. There was a few jokes passed around and they were fairly funny. It was good to see all the seven kings interact with one another in a none serious way, just like yesterday when we were playing a game in the garden. It was a sense of normal coming from them and I couldn't escape the thought that if I did and I mean IF I did choose to be with them and leave Kai to which I still don't want to do then what I was seeing was what I was going to get and I wouldn't be complaining at all.

After dinner, I pulled my mom out the room, after of course saying my goodbyes to the kings and my dad. I still wanted to talk to her and she said she would. I just needed an adult conversation with the woman I trust the most in this world.

Once we came into my bedroom, I noticed Joy was still not back yet so that gave us sometime for our conversation. I sat her down on my bed and she waited for me to start talking when I stood in front of her thinking of a way to start this conversation.

"Okay, mom?"

"Yes dear?" Mom

She smiled at me, but I know she already knows about the topic of what I want to talk about. I think it was clear at the table during our conversations about what I wanted.

"Did you know I was the mate to the seven kings before I came here?"

She nods to look me straight in the eye.

"Yes I did." Mom

She had no shame, she was quite confidant.

"For how long mom? How long have you known?"

She dropped her smile and sighed. She reached out for my hands and guided me to sit next to her on the bed.

"Sweetie, I've known since the first day we met." Mom

"You mean when I was in hospital after..."

I couldn't say it. I'll never forget it.

She nods and saddens her eyes.

"Yes. After that." Mom

"But mom how did you know?"

"The kings told us. They found you and because we so desperately wanted a child and you were in need of a better home. They suggested for me and you father to adopt you." Mom

She held both my hands in hers with a tight squeeze. I remember the day I first met her and it was like an instant connection between the three of us. I couldn't be more grateful for them.

"How did they find me?"

She sighed and gulped.

"The night you were brought in. Jin was working in the emergency department. He was the first to find you and later found out you were his mate. The others found out too and that's when Taehyung gave us a call to say there was a little girl that was in need of a home. They knew we could give you a better life than a foster home since you had no other family. It wasn't until we arrived that night did they explain that you are their mate and you would of been safer with us and away from them." Mom

I processed everything she told me. So all this time, when I've seen Jimin come to our home or one fo the others briefly talking with my dad, they all knew this. The knew I would be special to them but yet they stayed away. I don't know whether to feel happy that they've tried to protect me to the fact that they've avoided me for years.

"Am I safer with them? Are they going to be dangerous towards me, like they are to others?"

She shakes her head at me.

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