Chapter 77 🌹

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I know tonight is going to be a wild one, it's our wedding night for goodness sake, what do you expect.

But first I wanted to check on the babies with Joy, Somi for the night with the help of Mina and her husband that thankfully stayed for the night to help out. My cousins were sent home so they were happy to get their house to themselves for the night.

My newly wed husbands were in the bedroom waiting for me up to god knows what, but anything is possible with those lot.

With anticipation I slowly opened the door not for my benefit but for theirs. I know how much they've been looking forward to tonight so if I open the door painfully slow one of them wouldn't be able to wait any longer and pull me in to which not to my surprise Jin did just like the first time we all had sex but this time we're married and all share one big bedroom with one another.


An excited squeal escaped my lips with a massive smile on my face only to collide into someone's chest before pair of hands placed on each side of my face forcing my face up and a pair of soft plumps lips to attach to mine. I know these lips anywhere. Jin.

"Someone's eager."

I grinned to only get a groan back.

"Someone took too long." Hoseok

He appeared behind me already undoing my dress from behind, planting slow sloppy kisses on my bare shoulder. I leaned back into him sighing in content until Jin kissed me again, his hand on the back of me head deepening the kiss.

"I get to take off her underwear!" Jungkook

I heard him say from somewhere in the room. Moments later my dress fell to the floor only to earn loud groans at the now sight of my standing in the middle of the room in white lace bra and matching thong.

"Oh god damn." Hoseok

He hisses, smacking my ass harshly, a oud skin slap filled the room. I yelped in surprise just before pulling away from Jins lips.

"The underwear is mine!" Jungkook

In one swift moved I was pushed out of the standing position of being sandwiches between Jin and Hoseok and picked up into Jungkooks strong arms and thrown on the bed next to Yoongi and Namjoon stroking themselves at the sight of my almost nakedness. Now did I just notice that they were all naked. So that's what they were doing while I was checking on the kids? Getting naked for me, fantastic!

Jungkook hoovered above me, dark lustful eyes boring into mine with his massively gorgeous smirk.

"I hope you weren't planning on keeping these." Jungkook

He asked, his finger hooking onto the middle of my bra and tore it down the middle without taking his eyes off me.

"It's a bit late if I was."

I smirked back at him above me. I didn't actually plan of keeping this lace underwear I had a very strong feeling one of them were going to tear them of my body one way or another.

"Oppsie." Jungkook

He chuckled and I rolled my eyes playfully at him but cut me off mid way when he leaned in closer and kissed my lips for a short time before traveling down with sloppy kisses to my jawline, to then linger around my neck and kept going painfully slow down my body, cupping my breasts while doing so until like he said he would do, graze his teeth along the skin of my hips, to then bite down on the fabric and rip them off like an animal.

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